6. Erinite

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Anon and the gems were walking around in the city. They looked at buildings and shops, and even restaurants.

Mia: "How many humans are there?"

Althea: "This place is huge!"

Anon: "Calm down everyone, we'll see everything here one at a time."

They walk around the area and Anon sees a Galilei van pass by. A TV shop near them imstarts displaying breaking news.

Female news reporter: "Just this morning a mysterious life form was spotted in Marin, it emerged from a pod that crash landed into the beach. Local authorities have subdued it and its now in a Galilei van on its way to the headquarters for research. We have a photograph of the being here."

Mia: "Oh my stars, Erinite!"

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Mia: "Oh my stars, Erinite!"

Althea: "They're taking her to a research facility?!"

Anon: "A galilei van? Then that means."

He turns around and the van was gone. He grabs out his laptop from his bag and hacks cameras. He spots the van and it was on its way to Market Street.

Anon: "Girls. We're getting Erinite, follow me."

He hacks a car and unlocks its doors he hacks it and it activates.

Anon: "Get in."

The gems got in and they started driving off to Market Street. It took 5 minutes to get there. Now they arrive, but then van was no where to be found. Anon and the gems got out and look around.

Venus: "There. It's coming."

Anon: "I see it."

It was driving down the street with a conviy of Umeni Zulu cars.

Anon: "Damn it it's Umeni Zulu."

He looks around and sees a traffic light, he looks at his phone and back at the traffic light, then he looks at his phone again and he presses a picture of an 8 bit traffic light on his phone and all the lights turns green. The van was hit by other cars which were moving due to the light being green. Some of the Umeni Zulu security guards were injured in the crash. Some random pedestrians moved into assist drivers that are injured in the wreckage.

Male citizen: "Oh gosh! Are you ok? Here let me help."

Female citizen: "Did you see that?!"

Anon puts on his mask which was given to him by Aiden Pearce.

Anon puts on his mask which was given to him by Aiden Pearce

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Anon: "Girls, get to cover and stay low. It's gonna get ugly."

Mia: "Ok."

Anon moves up and he shoots an Umeni Zulu security guard with his pistol.

Make Umeni gunman: "It's the Wolf! Take him down! Protect the shipment!"

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Make Umeni gunman: "It's the Wolf! Take him down! Protect the shipment!"

Anon shoots and kills 4 more and he sees a man trapped in his car. He opens the door and drags the man out.

Anon: "Go! Get out of here! Stay low!"

Male driver: "Thank you! Holy sh*t!"

Female Umeni gunman: "Get reinforcements here ASAP!"

Anon climbs over a car and kicks one of them in the face. He shoits the last 2 Umeni guards. He grabs out a baton from his pocket and walks towards the van.

Driver: "Oh sh*t!"

Anon smashes the window and yanks out the driver and kills him with a swift hit with the baton. He goes to the back of the van and opens it. And Erinite was there.

Erinite: "Ah! No! No! Stay back!"

Anon: "It's ok, I'm here to help. I'm letting you out."

He shoots the handcuff and Erinite looks confused.

Erinite: "Why are you helping me?"

Anon: "Because I have friends that are your friends too."

He grabs her hand and helps her out the van. Suddenly, police sirens could be heard in the distance.

Anon: "We need to leave."

They head to the car and Erinite hugs her gem friends.

Erinite: "Agate, Jasper, Pearl!"

Venus: "Erinite! You ok?"

Anon: "We have to go, the police are on the way."

The gems got in, however, a police helicopter spots them.

Erinite: "What is that?!"

Female PH pilot: "Squad, suspect is driving a grey vehicle."

Anon: "Hold on girls!"

Anon accelerated snd drove at full speed away from the cops and they started chasing them.

Male police officer: "Pull over!"

Female police officer: "Stop the vehicle!"

They drive on the streets and Anon grabs out his phone.

Venus: "Anon what are you doing?"

Anon: "Slowing them down."

He bursts a steam pipe and one police car blew up and all the other cars stopped.

Male police officer: "AAHH!!!!"

Anon: "Sh*t. That was close."

The helicopter is still above them, chasing them.

Female PH pilot: "Stop the vehicle now! We will shoot you down!"

Anon hacks it and it malfunctions.

Female PH pilot: "Aahh!!! Squad our helicopter is experiencing technical difficulties!"

It gets back in control but it's smoking lightly. It flies back to the police station.

Anon: "That was too close."

Althea: "Anon who were they?"

Anon: "The authorities. We're heading back home."

Mia: "Well at least you saved us."

To be continued...

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