17. Cold

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Anon and the gems were walking down the streets of San Francisco all together, they went from shop to shop and they were also sightseeing. They are now walking down a random street, and suddenly, Anon hears a man begging and they look down the alley to see a crime seen.

Man: "Hey! Come on bro I got mouths to feed! My kids and my wife are starving!"

Male thug: "Yeah mine too. Now hand over the cash."

Man: "Please! No! No!"


Anon's eyebrows face downwards aa anger pumps him up. He puts his mask on and grabs out his pistol instead of his SMG.

Erin: "Anon. Just knock him down. There's no need to kill him!"

Venus: "Anon! What are you doing?!"

He ignores them and shoves the man onto the ground.

Male thug: "Oh sh*t! It's the Wolf!"

Anon: "Your time has come."

The thug tries to grab his gun only for Anon to grab his hand and hit his wrist with his baton and shoves him to the ground again. He cocks his pistol.

Male thug: "Hey man, chill!"

Anon: "Chill? No."

Male thug: "Don't do this! Just take the money! Take it!"

Anon: "I will but you're not leaving this alley alive. I'll make sure you're body has a bullet on your head between your eyes."

The gems begind Anon look at him in fear.

Prasiolite: "Anon! Just stop! Don't kill him!"

Male thug: "I have a family! Please!"

Anon: "That's what he said. He begged. Now you're begging. You took his life. Now I'm taking yours."

The thug starts crying and Anon picks him up by the throat and holds him against the wall. Anon's cold eyes pearce through him.

Venus: "Anon! Stop!"

Male thug: "NO! PLEASE!"

Anon puts the barrel against his head and pulls the trigger.


Blood splatters onto his mask and face and a bit of his hat. He lets go of the body as it collapses onto the floor.

Erin: "EDWIN!"

Anon finally turns around and looks at the gems. He looks at his hands and at the body.

Anon: "Oh sh*t..."

He looks at the girls.

Anon: "No, no. I can explain. I-I-

Erin: "Y-you killed him. You killed him! YOU MURDERED HIM ON PURPOSE!"

Anon: "I just- Erin please let me explain."

Venus: "Edwin. I think...We think it's best to leave you."

Anon: "Wait! No!"

Mia: "You could've just knocked him out Anon. It's not right to just kill him. He had a family."

Anon: "So did that man."

Erin: "Everyone. Let's just go."

They walk off, ignoring Anon's cries.

Anon: "Hey! Please don't leave! Girls wait!"

Anon finally gives up and just bawls his eyes out. He rubs to the alley and puts his legs up to his face.

Anon: "F*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck."

To be continued...

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