19. Errors

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The gems are currently walking downtown and they were upset. While they walked around, they see a homeless man begging for money. Another man held a sign saying:

"Where is The Wolf?"

They then see a man get mugged in an alley and they see a wealthy looking man kick a homeless man's cup of coins.

Homeless man: "Hey!"

They pass by a pawnshop which has TVs displaying news.

Female news reporter: "Anon is nowhere to be found. Crime rates have increased and thugs and banduts are comming out of hiding. Now with the city's so called menace missing. Now thousands of people have realised the error of their ways and are pleading to have the Wolf back in action. We're going live to Bob."

Bon: "Thanks Lynn. I'm here with some folks at Pier 39."

Man: "I don't know what to say. He's tried telling us. No one listened. I didn't listen. More gangs are killing people tutlrning the city into their personal hell. Now I want this vigilante back in action."

Then it cuts to a group of children holding a sign saying "Please come back Anon!"

"We need you!"

Male news reporter: "Thousands are protesting on the streets demanding Anon to please return. The police are unable to handle the gangs. Now they're begging for the Wolf to come back."

Then an unknown broadcast appears and it says DedSec. And then, a figure in a hoodie and a mask appears

 And then, a figure in a hoodie and a mask appears

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DedSec messenger: "People of San Francisco. Is this what you want? When the Wolf is gone, this is what happens! We are unable to stop it. Only Anon can. He is stronger than us. But he is not a member of DedSec. Crime rates around the bay have increased dramatically. We've given you the truth. Do what you will."

Erin: "What did we do?"

Venus: "No. It's what have we done. We shunned him, left him, he's probably in prison again. Or worse."

Mia: "What's worse is that we might not be able to see him again. We have to find him, now!"

Before they could leave, some random men quickly blindfold them and cover their mouths.

Erin: "Mmf! Mmh!"
(Hey! Hey!)

The mysterious figures drag them to a white van and stuffed in there. The men shuts the door and bangs the side of the van.

Man: "What are you doing to them man?"

The man in the black hoodie walked up and held out a badge.

Male Umeni agent: "Umeni Zulu, this is a secret operation."


Anon was sitting on his bed holding a bottle of beer and his pistol. He puts the pistol towards his head and before he pulls the trigger he hears beeping from his screen. He sits at the desk and checks it. It's the gems, Anon hacks the camera there and listens to what they say.

Erin: "What did we do?"

Venus: "No. It's what have we done. We shunned him, left him, he's probably in prison again. Or worse."

Anon: "Girls..."

He tears up in joy as he listens to them forhiving him.

Mia: "What's worse is that we might not be able to see him again. We have to find him, now!"

Then he sees the men capturing them, one of them had their face shown on the camera.

Anon: "Let me profile you, you sonofab*tch."

It read out who he was.

Name: Booths, James
Looks up: Best guard dogs
Age: 43
Occupation: Umeni Zulu agent

Anon: "Sh*t! It's Umeni Zulu. Girls, just wait. I'll be coming for you."

He goes to the bathroom to prepare himself. He puts on his clothes and puts on new gloves which revealed his fingers.

He puts on the black denim hoodie he bought and puts on his new black jeans and boots. And finally his brand new scarf.

Before he leaves he grabs his cap and his fuly charged phone

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Before he leaves he grabs his cap and his fuly charged phone. Now he heads out and calls his vehicle dealer.

Anon: "Phillip, I need a bike, a Harley Davidson. Black."

Phillip: "You got it. You wheels are nearby."

Anon sees it behind him and drives it. He uses his phone to detect the location of the vans. Galilei headquarters, Silicon Valley.

Anon: "Of course. Those sick scientists are willing to study them."

He speeds up and heads towards Silicon Valley. He even does a wheelie along the way.

To be continued...

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