Chapter 2: A Most Respectable Hobbit

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Sara moaned and opened her eyes, her head pounding with a sharp pain just behind her left ear. What had happened? Her vision was blurred as she blinked owlishly at her surroundings. What on earth was wrong with her. None of it made any sense. All she remembered was opening a door and seeing a pan flying at her head. That's right, the door! The random door in a cave. She tried to sit up, but the sudden movement sent her head spinning. Her stomach threatened to rebel. Leaning forward she put her head between her knees trying to regain control.

"Who are you?" squeaked a voice to the left. She jumped and then moaned at the sharp pain in her head. That was the voice she had heard earlier. Before she could turn to look her attacker slid around to face her. Sara grimaced as she took in the face of her would-be captor. His cheeks were round and framed by dark honey-colored hair that fell in loose rings and waves just past his pointed ear tips. Wide brown eyes scowled down at her as the little man hefted his frying pan aloft, poised to strike if need be.

"Who are you and what were you doing in my pantry?"

She opened her mouth to reply but nothing came out as she looked him over in confusion. He was short about the height of a child, although his size suggested that he had more of an appetite than any child she had ever known. He was not fat, but pleasantly plump. He wore short-cut brown trousers that were suspended over a bright yellow shirt and a green button up vest. His overlarge feet were bare and covered in thick curly hair that appeared to be well-groomed. Sara gaped at him.

"Well?" prompted the small man again, raising his frying pan higher still. "Who are you and what rights do you have being in my pantry?" Sara braced her hands on the floor and pushed herself to her knees pulling her arms out of her backpack straps. The little fellow took a step or two back, still brandishing his pan. She groaned and felt the lump behind her ear. It was going to be one doozy of a headache.

"I'll be asking you just once more er I let my pan fly," he warned. "What are you doing in my house?" Sara held up a hand trying to gather her thoughts as she looked up at the pan wielder. Lights were popping in and out of the edge of her vision. That was one sturdy frying pan.

"Sara" she croaked out.

"What did you say?" he asked, startled that she had finally answered.

"Sara," she said again, her voice growing stronger. "My name is Sara Miller and I would appreciate it if you did not whack me with that particular frying pan. I am seeing enough stars as it is."

The little man let the pan drop an inch or two.

"I'm sorry to have intruded. I was lost and hoping you could give me directions. As to how I wound up in... your panty did you call it... I haven't the foggiest idea. Last thing I knew, I was lost in a cave trying to find my way out and I heard your voice. I opened the door hoping to find help, only your frying pan found me first."

"What nonsense are you spouting?" asked the man suspiciously. "What cave?"

"The cave I was lost in when I found the door to your panty?" His eyebrows rose. "Who lives deep in a cave anyway?" She asked defensively. The little fellow looked slightly affronted by this.

"This is not a cave. Caves are nasty wet places full of dark and unpleasant things. This is my smial, and while it is set quite cozily into a small hill, I can assure you I don't live in a cave. No respectable person would. The nearest mountain with caves is quite a long holiday away from here and most likely inhabited by orcs or some other fosl creature. So I will thank you not to insult my home again." He let the pan drop even more at the confused look on her face.

"What are you talking about? I was five hours into that cave in Kentucky. Of course you live in a cave. I'm not crazy."

Looking worried that his intruder was not altogether right in the head but still offended the little man puffed out his chest. "I do not live in a cave. Come, I will prove it to you."

The Undecided Title Of Sara Miller *Hobbit Fanfiction* (Thorin/OC)Where stories live. Discover now