Chapter 36: Hidden Truths are Unspoken Lies

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Whew I made it. Okay so here is the next chapter. Hope you enjoy it. Sorry if you catch a few more mistakes, I was in a bit of a rush.

In which hidden truths are unspoken lies.

Thorin sat removed from the others, his head in his hands, his heart at his feet. He would not feel this heartache. He should feel nothing for the girl he had left under the tree. She had been untruthful from the start. She had duped them all and like a fool he had fallen for her guise. Three months. Was that really all the time he had left in the world before he went to join his ancestors, his grandfather, and very likely his father. Three months and the line of Durin would end forever, leaving Dis more alone than she could ever imagine. But exactly how, when, and where would it happen? He cursed his impulsive exit, but he had desperately needed to get away from the girl. What should he do? Could his, Fili, and Kili's deaths be prevented? He had not even asked if they successfully retook the mountain. If it were true that the girl knew everything she claimed, there were many questions he needed answers to before he made his next decision. A hand fell on his shoulder.

"Go that badly did it?" asked Dwalin, running a scarred callused hand over the designs on his scalp. Thorn glared up at him. "All right, so more than badly," he amended. Thorn did not reply. "What happened?"

"It's what's going to happen," said Thorin, shaking off the hand on his shoulder.


They both looked up as the girl came stumbling back into camp.

"Why is she crying?" asked Dwalin, observing the girl before turning to Thorin, his face clouded and his eyes full of disapproval. "What did ya do? Why is she returning alone in the dark?"

"I did nothing to her," hissed Thorin, his anger and irritation rising. "She has brought this on herself of her own volition. She can not be trusted."

"What are ya talking about? What's gotten into ya. I would trust her with my life," defended Dwalin.

"Then you are a fool as well," shouted Thorin, jumping to his feet, his fists balled at his side. "She has been lying to us all since the very beginning."

"Sara is no liar," said Dwalin, folding his arms across his chest. "Thorin what has happened to turn ya against her. What offence could she have possibly offered ya?"

"If you don't believe me then go ask her," challenged Thorin in a whisper. "We can't both be right. Ask her about the future."

"Ask her what?" said the warrior, looking worried as he took a step back.

"Ask her when the line of Durin will end."

Dwalin eyed him skeptically. "That's impossible, how could she know such a thing."

"Go ask her yourself," said Thorin, pointing to where she sat wiping her tears next to a pale faced Bilbo.

"Alright. I will. If only to cure ya of yer madness, but if ya have harmed her in any way then Mahal help ya, friend or no."

Anger writhed and seethed inside Thorin's chest like a hot bile, urgently but unsuccessfully seeking a path of egress. He stood to follow Dwalin, fighting to draw in a steady breath before he clamped down on his emotions, shoving them to the side. Ms. Miller knew the future and he was determined not to rest until she had told him and the others all she knew. Just outside the circle of fire light he stopped, folding his arms, watching as Dwalin cast him a disparaging look before approaching a girl. The company, already on alert for the sake of her tears, all tuned their ears to her as Dwalin spoke.

The Undecided Title Of Sara Miller *Hobbit Fanfiction* (Thorin/OC)Where stories live. Discover now