Chapter 20: Diplomacy and Visions

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The days passed quickly in Rivendell, and for the most part, they were pleasant ones, despite the marked tension that still resided between most of the dwarves and their hosts. Thorin had informed the company that they would be remaining in Rivendell at least until the Midsummer Feast for Gandalf insisted that they seek Lord Elrond's help with the map of Erebor on that night. Sara never did get a chance to speak alone with Fili and Kili about their offer, for the morning after her run-in with Thorin in Elrond's kitchens, the three of them were called the Thorin's quarters. He and Balin had been looking for ways to get Sara out of the agreement, and this had angered Fili, but he needn't have worried. Balin said he could not see a way to anole the offer as it had been properly given, property accepted, and witnessed by Kili. He had then tried to find a law that forbade Sara or any other human from being made a heart sister, but it had never occurred to those who wrote the laws surrounding these offers that they would be made to any but dwarf, so there had never been any stipulations set against such an unforeseen occurrence. There was nothing to be done, quite literally, for until they had either the approval (unlikely) or rejection (which was almost assured) of Lady Dis, no one could make a move.

This however was not to remain the case, for Balin had brought up a point that was often forgotten as it hardly ever came into effect as most offers were sorted in short order. There was a deadline of six months for those who would challenge the offer and if no challenger could present themselves by this time, then the offer was considered to be approved by all, and unfortunately, no one could challenge before Lady Dis as she was the closest living relative. This had unnerved Thorin. Even if they were to inform Lady Dis of her son's hasty offer and she rejected Sara, she would then have to disprove Fili's determination and that would require her presence which would prove difficult as she was some several hundreds of miles away seeing to things in the Blue Mountains in Thorin's absence. Should she approve however, then Thorin would be the one to stand against his nephew. With this new stipulation in mind it was determined that Thorin and Fili would each wright a letter to Lady Dis and argued for her to accept Sara as a daughter. Fili had agreed to this idea readily as if they were successful it would remove one of his opponents and had even included a sketch of Sara that Ori had drawn. Thorin, for his part, was confident in his ability to put his nephew in his place should his sister approve, and knew all too well that he could do nothing against a deadline. He too argued for Sara's acceptance as it was his only chance to prevent her from becoming part of the family and subsequently a princess of Erebor. Fili and Kili still persisted in calling her sister, much to the annoyance of Thorin. Unfortunately, his hands were tied, for even before the proof of determination it was expected that the one who made the offer assumed the responsibilities offered as if it had been proven. This particular law was in place so that a child was not left without care while the official process commenced. It was galling to Thorin how literally his nephews took this all, but it amused Dwalin to no end to see the princes fawn over Sara witch in turn only fed Thorin's frustration.

Quickly the letters were written and Thorin had approached Lord Elrond for his help in seeing that the letters reach the Blue Mountains in the fastest possible manner. The elf lord had provided one of his fastest falcons to Thorin who had been a bit uneasy trusting the bird in this matter but Gandalf had assured him that Lord Elrond's falcons were no ordinary birds but wise as had been the ravens of Erebor. Thorin would have indeed prefurred a raven but relented, allowing the falcon to carry the messages. Once the letters were secured to the falcon Elrond had spoken to the bird in a strange tongue before sending it winging away. He had informed Thorin that the falcon would be able to find him in future to bring a reply.

As Sara was now whole once again, her training with Dwalin began and she was pleased to learn that Thorin had given his blessing. Indeed, he had insisted that the whole company train daily while in Rivendell and he make sure special attention was paid to Ori. Sara was surprised when Thorin also suggested to Bilbo that he join the training, and reluctantly their hobbit agreed; though after a few days Dwalin despaired that the hobbit would ever show any improvement beyond a beginner's skill. Under the instruction of Dwalin and Nori, Sara was making some progress. They had helped her to adjust her grip and strengthen her stance but then help had come from an altogether surprising, and to Dwalin, an unwelcome source. The company had been training for four days now in the large grassy area they had found on the outskirts of Elrond's gardens right before it gave way to the wild woods. Sometimes they trained as a group and others one-on-one or in Sara's case one on two. She had been training with Dwalin and Nori everyday and though not harsh they pushed her to her limits giving her sets of exercises to do and Sara's body was sore as at adjusted to the new routines. Today Dwalin sat under a tree tending to his axes and keeping watch out to the corner of his eye as Nori led Sara through some of the movements. Thorin was working with Fili, Kili, and Ori some distance off and Balin was instructing Bilbo as Dwalin and had become too impatient for the hobbit. Nori had stilled next to Sara and she paused watching him scrutinize the shrubbery nearby.

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