Chapter 46: Memories and Letters

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Hello! Its been a while. Sorry about that. Between the ten days I has my sister and her cat saying with us, two trips to the ER, camping, going back to school, along with getting sucked into the TV series Merlin for the first time and catching up on the new season of Seven Deadly Sins... i have been both busy and distracted... but hey here is another chapter and I have another 8000-9000 word chapter already written, just needs to be edited. This is a long one but has some important stuff in it... for both the plot and subplot... Yay plots! So long as they are not six feet under ground. Man I'm tired. Send me your love and support. I love hearing from your guys. Sometime I need to take a break and draw some art for this story, unless one of you wants to do it before me... and in case you were wondering the cover for this story is not Sara... that's me... and I did draw it. Let me know how you liked this VERY long and involved conversation. Keep tuned within the next week for Chapter 47! Yay see you soon!

In which Fili and Kili learn some hard truths.

"Why were we never told any of this?" said Fili, shoving the door to his, Kili, and Thorin's bedroom behind them. Sara felt Thorin's rough fingers tense around hers as he pulled her to sit on the bed next to him. After Thranduil had left with Legolas, Fili and Kili had burst forth with questions, but Thorin had silenced them, insisting they would talk once they reached the privacy of their chamber. Sara suspected that more than secrecy had been his motive in postponing the conversation. The look on his face told her plainly that he was reeling from Thranduil's words, trying to internalize, process, and make sense of them. He had quickly led them back to their cramped bedroom. Bilbo had excused himself after agreeing to hold his tongue until further notice, stating that he had, "Quite enough to be getting on with thank you very much." Sara agreed with her little friend and had thought briefly about joining Bilbo, leaving the others to sort out the truth of the past, but Thorin's grip on her hand had grown tighter as they approached their rooms, as if he were trying to draw strength from her. She had stayed and now sat beside him. Balin occupied the only chair and Fili and Kili stood, looking to their Uncle, watching him, clearly expecting answers.

"Uncle did you know any of what Thranduil said?" asked Kili, his hands jammed into his pockets as he glared at the night table as though it had bit his leg. Thorin shook his head, his dark hair swaying side-to-side, the metal beads clicking softly.

"I was aware they both suffered from the sickness, but I never imagined it stretched back so far and affected so much. But after what we just heard several things have fallen into place in my memory."

"What do you mean?" asked Fili. "Uncle why were we never informed of any of this?"

"You were made aware," said Balin.

"Yes," said Fili, spinning to look at the old diplomat. "I was informed that Thror and Thrain suffered from Dragon Sickness, but I was never made aware it was so severe or extensive. I didn't realize it impeded their ability to govern our people. You told me and Kili of the signs we should be watchful of in ourselves and uncle, but we never really understood it could be quite so pervasive. Why did you not inform us?"

"You should have told us," said Kili, his glare swinging to Thorin. "Why?"

"You didn't need to know," snapped Thorin, releasing Sara's hand to run his fingers through his hair, agitated. Sara opened and closed her hand, trying to restore the blood flow to her fingertips. "My father and grandfather were indeed very sick. Much sorrow was born of their illness, but it was over long before you two were ever even thought about. By the time you two were born, much had changed and our people enjoyed relative peace. The past was in the past."

"But it affected our future and our present," insisted Kili.

"Uncle what happened? Was Thranduil right? Did Legolas speak the truth?" asked Fili, tugging roughly at the top button of his shirt.

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