Chapter 12 - Electabuzz

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It had been 2 days, and Casey still hadn't gotten back yet...

You were worse each day. Since you kept sneaking out to train at night.

At random times, you would shift into Human form or Eevee form. Nightmares were more common too.

You couldn't take the pain any longer.

You had a major headache, and all the Taillow squawking about something no one give two flying Tranquills about, did not help.

You were currently laying on the rock that Sans had placed you on in Eevee form. You hadn't drank or eaten in 2 days. Your stomach craved food, but your throat said otherwise.

Sans had tried even the mildest berries he could find nearby, and you still didn't want to eat.

"(Y/n), please, you have to eat something..." Sans begged.

You glanced up a bit, eyes half open, your muzzle and cheeks red from fever. You just laid back down, weakly letting out a whimper.

"I know, your throat hurts, but please... for me, try to eat something?"

Okay, you couldn't argue with that. With your need to please Sans, you took one bite out of the Hondew berry. It actually eased your throat.

You couldn't eat the whole thing, but you ate a few bites out of it. You laid back down, curled up in the cool water. You didn't care if you would look like a drowned rat. You felt cool in the water and that's all that mattered to you.

Sans sighed in relief, "Thank you, (Y/n)... Casey should've gotten back days ago, huh?"

You nodded, purring when Sans stroked you.

"What is keeping her held up?"

You flicked your tail a bit, splashing water at Sans, basically telling him, "shut up I'm trying to sleep here..."

"Alright, alright... you rest for a while... I'll go get more Hondew berries."

You slept whilst Sans had gone to get the berries. He was gone for a few hours. Fuyumi walked over to you, seeing you begin to squirm.

You were having another nightmare. Fuyumi placed her paw lightly on your back, but that only made it worse.

A few more minutes later, and Sans raced back with a bag full of Hondew berries. He saw your distress, and immediately took action. He put the bag down, and stroked you gently.

"Shhhh... I'm here, (Y/n)..."

You began to settle, whimpering only slightly now. You soon went back into a peaceful rest.

Sans sighed, continuing to stroke you. Casey hadn't been back...

Why in the world would she not be back yet?


You hadn't gotten better. In fact, you got even worse. All you wanted to do was sleep all day, without drinking or eating anything. You were laying on the grass, panting at the pain and heat.

"Why isn't Casey back yet.....?" You whined, rolling onto your back to get cool with the breeze.

"She will be back. If not, I'll go get my secret stash."

"No, Fuyumi.... That's for you to keep...."

The Glaceon used a blizzard, dulled down obviously, just to cool the area down.

Finally, you heard the familiar female voice.

"I'm back!"

Sans raced over, "Did you get the berries?!"

"No... they were all out."

"It took you 3 days to tell us that?! What took you so long?!"

"The Electabuzz baseball team was playing! And I had to watch it..."

Fuyumi growled, an icy wind beginning to blow.

Casey shivered, and sighed, "I am so sorry..."

Sans growled, picking you up gently, "Casey, just leave... We will get those berries ourselves..."

Casey nodded, beginning to walk off. She had completely gone, and you whimpered at the pain again.

Sans held you close, "It's okay... We'll get those Oran berries soon... I promise..."

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