Chapter 4

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"Since when do mountain trolls travel this far south?" Thorin asks Gandalf who is climbing down the broken rock.

"Not for an age. Not since a darker power ruled these lands," Gandalf said grimly. "They could not have traveled in daylight," The wizard adds.

"There must be a cave," Urzoth said, speaking to Thorin for the first time since he agreed to allow her on their journey.

"She's right. Let us go, It has to be close. They wouldn't have traveled far from it," the wizard agrees, but doesn't look at Urzoth.

The group then split off in all directions in search of the cave. Urzoth, however, could smell it and was able to quickly find it. She called them all over and they crept in. Bofur made a face and nearly gagged. "What is that stench?" He complained.

"It's a troll hoard. Be careful what you touch," Gandalf answered in warning before venturing further into the cave.

Urzoth was the first to follow the wizard, being used to such a foul stench. Her eyes scanned across the piles upon piles of gold and weapons until something caught her eye. She spotted the hilt of a sword; a hilt to a sword she hadn't seen in nearly fifty years. It had elven symbols carved into it with a white gem marking where the blade starts. Urzoth bends down and picks it up to get a better look, and she was right: this is the sword that killed her mother.

Tears blurred her gaze as the memories came rushing back. She was just twelve years old when she watched her mother's head be decapitated from her shoulders by the blade she now held in her hands. The pain she felt when holding the weapon made her want to scream. It made her want to kill things. She knew this was her orc instincts kicking in and she had to ignore it, otherwise the dwarves would figure her out.

She quickly wiped the stray tears from her cheeks, and tied the sword to her belt. She would use it to get revenge some day. She starts to head out of the cave, but stops when she sees Bofur, Gloin, and Nori placing a small chest into a hole.

"We're making a long term deposit," Gloin explains, to which Urzoth rolls her eyes. Only dwarves are greedy enough to hide gold in a troll cave.

"Lets get out of this foul place," Thorin announced in disgust.

Kili took notice of Urilarue's new weapon as she exited the cave, and he smiled. It looked natural on her. The way she walked so swiftly with the sword on her hip made it obvious that she was used to carrying weapons. It only made Kili's attraction to her stronger. This woman had so many secrets to her and he was determined to learn them all.

Urzoth was the first to hear the rustling of bushes and pounding of feet. Thorin was the second. "Somethings coming," The dwarf stated, drawing his sword. The rest of the company followed suit and gathered in a tight circle.

"Thieves! Fire! Murder!" Yelled a little old man as he burst through the bushes riding a sled being pulled by giant rabbits.

Urzoth's mouth water as she looked at the long eared creatures. Those were Rhosgobel rabbits. She'd eaten them many times; they were one of her favorites. She was about ready to attack when Gandalf spoke, pulling her from her savage orc instincts.

"Radagast! Radagast the Brown!" The grey wizard greeted the brown one joyfully. "What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you, Gandalf," he replied urgently, "Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong."

"Yes?" Gandalf responded curiously.

"Just give me a minute. Um... oh! I thought I had it and now I've lost it! It was... it was right there, on the tip of my tongue! Oh! It's not a thought at all! It's a silly old... Stick insect!" the brown wizard chuckled, opening his mouth and pulling out the bug causing Urzoth to sigh in annoyance. Radagast continued, "The Greenwood is sick, Gandalf. A darkness has fallen over it. Nothing grows anymore, at least nothing good. The air is foul with decay. But worse are the webs."

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