Chapter 8

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"Run!" Gandalf bellowed.

And so they ran. The company pelted down the hill, wargs hot on their tails. Some of the beasts had overtaken them, but were quickly killed. Urzoth ignored the jolt of grief with each warg death, and kept running. They only stopped when they ran out of ground, standing at the edge of a cliff.

"Up into the trees! All of you! Come on Bilbo! Climb!" Gandalf commanded.

Urzoth skillfully hulled herself up into the branches, Fili and Kili following close behind her. She felt her heart jump out of her chest when she saw Bilbo struggling to pull his sword from a wargs head. Eventually, they young hobbit got the blade unstuck and scurried up the nearest tree. That was when Urzoth saw him. Her father was sitting high on his warg, staring up at the company. He had yet to notice her.

"Do you smell it? The scent of fear?" He hissed in black speech, staring directly at Thorin. "I remember you're father reeked of it, Thorin, son of Thrain."

Thorin stared down at Azog in utter disbelief. He didn't understand black speech, but he somehow understood what the beast was saying. "It cannot be," He whispered, fear sneaking its way into his words.

"That one is mine! Kill the others!" Azog howled, pointing his knife for a hand at Thorin.

At his command, the wargs dashed forward and began clawing at the trees in an attempt to reach them. Urzoth hissed as the tree she, Fili, and Kili were in began to shake. After a few more moments, the tree was uprooted and began to tip. The three in the tipping tree launched themselves into the next tree over, but that tree too began to fall. The company jumped from falling tree to falling tree until all of them were huddled in the tallest tree standing closest to the edge.

The wargs stalked closer to the final tree, and Urzoth was about ready to call them off when a flaming pinecone came flying past her head and to the ground beneath them. She looked up to see Gandalf setting pinecones on fire and dropping them down to the dwarves, who then lit more. Flaming pinecones were whipped at the wargs, until eventually a wall of fire stood between the wargs and the company's tree.

The dwarves began to cheer as the wargs retreated, but their victory was short lived, for the tree began to creek and tip. For the first time in fifty years, Urzoth was afraid. The tree dangled precariously over the edge of the cliff, and Urzoth didn't know how long it'd last... or if she could hold on.

A fearful wail sounded as Ori lost hold of his branch and fell. He grabbed onto his brothers foot and dangled. Both hobbits cried out in fear. "Mr Gandalf!" Dori shouted as his grip slipped from his branch, causing him and his brother to fall. Gandalf stuck his staff out just in time to catch them, but it wouldn't hold for long.

Thorin looked around helplessly as his kin clutched to the tree for dear life. Empowered by fear and anger, he managed to stand up on the base of the tree. He stared into Azog's icy blue eyes and his heartbeat quickened, for the orc's icy blue eyes were the same as Urzoth's. His fear turned to terror as realization hit him. Urzoth was in some way related to Azog. That terror quickly turned into rage, and Thorin let out a loud battle cry before rushing forward with nothing but his sword and an oaken log as a shield.

Azog smiled a cruel smile before his warg leaped and met the Dwarf, knocking him off his feet. Azog reared around as Thorin struggled to his feet. Just as he was up, Azog wacked him back down with his mace. The dwarves in the tree screamed and cried as they attempted to get to their leader, but to know avail. Azog's warg sank its teeth into Thorin's stomach and lifted him off the ground. Thorin gasped in pain, and in a last effort of defense, smacked his sword against the wargs mouth. It let out a shriek of pain before throwing Thorin against a rock.

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