Chapter 17

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Bard's plan to get the company into his house was one which the dwarves, especially Dwalin, greatly disliked.  The bargeman had the dwarves swim beneath the docks to the toilet that leads to his house. Urzoth had finally stopped shivering from the cold and now she was plunging back into the icy water. While it somewhat eased the cuts on her back, she was a shaking mess by the time they reached the toilet opening. A simple knock upon the wooden wall signaled to them that it was safe to climb out.

Dwalin went first, grumbling and cursing all the way. A disheveled Hobbit followed quick after him with Bofur at his tail. Urzoth was one of the last to ascend from the toilet, following Kili and preceding Bombur. She hurries up the steps into the larger kitchen area of the house, earning a yelp from one of Bard's daughters.

"Da! An Orc has followed them in!" cries a young girl about ten years of age.

"You needn't worry, lass! She's our friend!" Balin says to her in a soothing manner.

"And the young dwarf's wife. Treat her kindly and get her some dry clothes, will you Sigrid?" Bard continues with a quick nod to Kili.

The older of the two girls, Sigrid, nods and grabs Urzoth's hand, leading her to a bedroom containing two beds and a small wardrobe. The younger of Bard's daughters follows them, shutting the door behind her. Urzoth can only assume this room belongs to them, judging by the dirtied pink sheets and dresses scattered on the floor.

"You must be freezing in that," Sigrid comments, making her way to the small wardrobe and opening it to reveal few dresses of varying sizes.

"I'm alright. It was nicer earlier in the season," Urzoth replies in and uneasy tone. She doesn't exactly feel comfortable in the room with two strange girls. She longs to go back out by the dwarves; to go back by Kili.

"Aye, autumn is coming to a close. Winter will be upon us in a few short days," The elder daughter says, shuffling through the old dresses in search of something that would fit Urzoth.

"You're married to the young brunette dwarf?" The youngest of Bard's children's speaks up for the first time in many minutes.

Caught off guard by the question, Urzoth merely coughs in embarrassment. She nearly forgot Kili had told them that. "You could say that," She replies quickly.

"Then why don't you have a dwarven courting braid?" the girl presses, curiosity shining bright in her hazel eyes.

"Tilda!" Sigrid suddenly shouts, turning sharply to face her sister, disapproval laced in her stern gaze.

"What? I read in a book that married dwarves must wear courting braids to show that they're wed!" The young girl defends.

Sigrid sighs in annoyance. "I swear I will kill old man Murphy for teaching you to read!" She groans, "It is rude to ask such questions!"

"It's all right," Urzoth says, holding back a laugh, for the  situation is a very humorous one to witness. It reminded her of when she was young. She and her brother would bicker constantly, much to Azog's disapproval. That was before Bolg turned to a cruel being much like their father. That was before her mother died.

"I guess we don't wear braids because the marriage was very sudden. It happened whilst on this journey, after a near death experience. We decided to elope," Urzoth explained easily, for lying and deceiving is something she was raised to do.

"How romantic!" Tilda gushes with glee.

Sigrid simply rolls her eyes before pulling a blues long sleeved dress from the closet. "Here, put this on," She commands the she orc.

"No, no, it's okay. I'm plenty comfortable in what I have on," Urzoth replies hastily, greatly despising clothes with sleeves.

"Nonsense! I insist! At least wear it so we can properly dry the clothes you have on now," Sigrid reasons. She is a very persuasive girl.

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