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  Mari's POV 

 I threw on my boots and leather jacket. I ran as quickly as I could to the SGHQ. I bursted through the door. "Anthony!" He ran down from the gaming room hearing the panic in my voice. "What's wrong?" "David got kidknapped. I don't have the money they want. I need to find him. I need him. He is the only thing that I have." "Who would want to hurt him?"  "I don't know, everyone loved him." "Come on lets go to his apartment, maybe we can find something there that can help us find him." Anthony and I ran to my car. I hopped in and started it before Anthony even buckled his seat belt I was off. Trying my best not to speed. I started the somewhat short drive to David's home. 

   We bursted through the door. we caught our breath and began to search David's apartment for any clues. It was looking like our hard work was going to waste until Anthony found a small piece of paper. It was dated five years ago. It was from someone named Felix. It wasn't clear what the note conveyed out of context but all it said was "You are going to regret this. trust me next time I will win." This was the only lead we had. And knew that we needed to take it, Because It seemed that Anthony and I were solving a crime.

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