I Swear I'm Gonna Lose It

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I'm in a tent made from what looks like burlap. There's a wooden table pushed up against the edge of the tent with two chairs stacked on top. The floor is made from packed-down dirt. Three people, a unicorn, and three cats surround me. The unicorn's mane is brushing the ceiling, and she keeps her head lowered. I only recognize one of the cats, Clap, but the rest are completely new.

"I know Clap, but who are the rest of you?" I ask slowly, wincing slightly in discomfort.

"This whole thing again? Seriously! It's like every single time!" The black cat throws his head back with a cry of frustration.

"Shut it, Phoenix." It's the third cat, a fluffy tan one, who speaks.

I stare down at my paws. Why did I forget? How did this happen?

"Ice, it's alright. Here, let me introduce myself. I'm Dove."

"And I'm Wolf." Two of the people kneel beside me, Wolf and Dove.

"H-how did you re-remember me but not the rest?" Clap tilts her head to the side.

"I... I, uh, I don't know?"

"King Garonda XIV," the unicorn says.

"He's not the King!" Phoenix snarls, fiery eyes flashing in anger. Flames curl off of his short black fur.

"Calm down or get out, Phoenix. We don't need you burning down the tent."

"It won't."

"Stop the flames. We get he's not the King of Ragdon."

"Sure he is. Why wouldn't he be?" How could King Garonda XIV not be the King of Ragdon? He has King in his name, and he sits upon the Amethyst Throne.

"What did you just say?" Phoenix turns to me, his voice deadly calm.

"King Garonda XIV is the King of Ragdon. Why wouldn't he be? He hasn't done anything wrong."

"Everything you just said is wrong." Phoenix shudders with fury. If he wasn't some blazing inferno before, he surely is now.

I frown. What does he mean? King Garonda XIV hasn't done anything wrong. He's a good guy, right? What do they mean? What don't I understand? What have I forgotten? I want to know! Why can't I just remember?

"So, Ice," Wolf asks slowly, holding up a hand when Phoenix opens his mouth. "What do you think of King Garonda XIV?"


"Zip it or I'll hold your mouth shut with my hands. You know you can't burn me." Wolf shoots Phoenix a glare that is immediately returned with interest.

"I, uh..." I trail off.

"It's ok. What do you think of him?" Dove tilts his head to the side, curious.

"I-I. Why do you guys think he's bad? He hasn't done anything. He's a good guy. He sits on the Amethyst Throne, which automatically makes him King of Ragdon. He's given jo-."

"I don't care what you just said, Wolf, but I'm cutting you off right there, Ice. Did he somehow brainwash you, Ice? What did he do to you? Everything you said is wrong. He destroys everything you've ever loved. He'll rip it right away, breaking your heart before tearing it right out of your chest and making you watch as he stomps it into the ground. His mind has been twisted by the Amethyst Throne, twisted beyond repair. He's your worst nightmare. He's the most evil person you'll ever meet, and evil isn't even close to being bad enough to describe his twisted, mo-."

"Please stop it, Phoenix. We get how you feel about King Garonda XIV." Brook cuts him off

"But?" He tries, but Brook silences him with a look.

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