Was That Some Dumb Horse Way of Flipping Me Off?

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My thoughts are silenced when who I presume to be the lead Guard begins to speak. "Fan out. My Sovereign, His Excellency, His Honor, His Highest of all Highnesses, King Garonda XIV has asked for what is believed to be called the pewter pendant. It was last seen on Wolf, and since no one has seen her since Arcane's foolish sacrifice, it has been decided she is dead. We have reason to believe the pendant can be found here when Wolf dies."

I have to stop myself from snorting. As if, Wolf's not dead. Dove's going to find her. I believe it's gonna take a little more to kill her than not seeing her for a while.

With a nod, the Guard and Soldiers disperse, beginning their search for the pewter pendant. The pendant I know they won't find, since Wolf is not dead.

"You." I raise my head, and the lead Guard is walking toward me. I look down at him when he stops in front of me, tilting my head slightly to the left. He only rises to my shoulders, and I've got a head and neck on him. "What are you doing out here?"

"I needed to stretch my legs."

"What's your name?"




"Did you know Wolf when she was still alive?" She's not dead.

"Yes." But I'll let you figure that one out.

"Where is the pewter pendant?"

"I'm not sure."

"Surely you would have some... inkling as to where it is? Do you not?"

"I do not. Are we done here?"

"No. You're going to tell me where I can find the pewter pendant. My Sovereign, His Excellency, His Honor, His Highest of all Highnesses, King Garonda XIV desires it, so I will retrieve it for him. Perhaps bringing him this gift will get me promoted to a higher status. Maybe even be gifted the opportunity to train more Guard and Soldiers." The dream of controlling more Guard and Soldiers swims in the lead Guard's eyes. But then it's gone as he awaits a reply I won't give him.

"I don't know where Wolf might've left the pewter pendant."

"Are you sure? Because, if I remember correctly, Brook, you and Wolf were quite close."

"Yes, I'm sure. I do not know where the pewter pendant is or where one would go to find said pendant."

"Hmm. Perhaps we should get Luke down here. He'd get the answer from you real quick."

"Luke?" Who's Luke? I've never heard of him before.

"Yes. Just a new little project My Sovereign, His Excellency, His Honor, His Highest of all Highnesses, King Garonda XIV has been working on. With some help of the Amethyst Throne, of course. Those in rebellion will never stand a chance. That's why My Sovereign, His Excellency, His Honor, His Highest of all Highnesses, King Garonda XIV has requested that we not punish those opposing him. A better show for the end of the measly rebellion." A smirk crawls across the lead Guard's face. I keep my face neutral.

"Hmm," is all I say.

"So tell me. Where can I find the pewter pendant? You knew Wolf when she was alive, so where is it?" The lead Guard's fingers tighten around the dagger sheathed at his hip, opposite the sword.

"I don't know."

"You know something you're not telling me."

"I don't know where the pewter pendant is, alright?" I remain still, staring evenly back at the lead Guard.

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