He's Not Leaving Here Alive

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Dove takes several rapid steps backward, holding up his hands. His grey eyes light up with a smile.

"Sorry," I murmur, shrugging out of Wolf's grip.

"It's alright. I came to see how you and Wolf were doing."

"No one came. How'd the fight go?"

"Ky and Phoenix are picking off the last few. Brook got nicked in the eye by an arrow, though. I'm going to track down a doctor for her after this. Clap wants to see how you're doing?"

"Oh, no! Where is she? I want to check on her!" Wolf scrambles to her feet. My heart sinks. She got shot in the eye... She got shot in the eye, all because they brought me here. This is my fault.

"I'm so sorry!"

"What are you sorry for?"

"This is my fault," I echo my thoughts. "If I wasn't here, she wouldn't've been shot in the eye!"

"No. Don't you dare say that again, Ice." Dove kneels in front of me. I can't make myself meet his gaze; guilt pulls on my heart. "We all knew what we were getting into, Ice. Don't ever feel like it's your fault, because it's not. It was Brook's choice to go out there and fight."

"But if you guys hadn't freed me from the Amethy-."

"Don't finish that sentence. It was our choice to rescue you from King Garonda XIV and the Amethyst Throne. If Brook had known this would happen, she would've still done it. We're all so happy that we were able to bring you here, far away from King Garonda XIV. So don't feel like it was your fault; it wasn't. Did that ease your mind?"

"I guess." I shrug, still not meeting Dove's gaze.

"Alright. I-." Dove breaks off to curse.

"Dove! Dove! Dove!" Ky skids to a halt. His eyes are wide and his breaths come and go rapidly.

"What's going on?"

"Ky! Why the hell are you retreating? We've got Guard and Soldiers to kill!" Phoenix looks over his shoulder, and he scowls when he doesn't spot an enemy.

"The group sent after us was only a decoy."

"What? I swear I didn't see anyone else."

"Well, we've got a monster group coming our way. They've brought torches. Lucky for them; I can control fire. They don't know what's coming their way." Phoenix smiles, but there's no humor in it; the glint in his eyes is far too morbid.

"We've gotta go- they can't reach the White Tent Sea. They can't know Ice is here." Dove starts to shoo Ky and Phoenix into motion.

"Can't know who is here?" A woman walks up to Dove.

"No one. Go back to your tent."

"Did you say Ice? What's he doing here?" My face falls as the woman's expression turns dark.

"This isn't the time. I swear he's good. I'm the Dove, right? Believe me, please. Ice is no longer your enemy; he's good. Now, I need to go. There's a huge wave of Guard and Soldiers heading this way, and they've got torches. Please tell everyone to evacuate the White Tent Sea," Dove says, spitting out the words as fast as he can.

"Go! Tell everyone!" He shoves the woman, and she stumbles but quickly regains her footing, racing away. The woman soon disappears behind a tent.

Shouts erupt a ways off. Smoke rises in clouds, floating towards the sky. "Looks like we've got company."

"Go, go , go! Phoenix don't let the flames spread. Stop the fire. Wolf, keep Ice safe."

"On it," Wolf replies.

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