Suicidal Deku 2 Hurt by Johnny Cash

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"Get ready for this new one- I make no promises if it turns out to be suicidal." Yuki said in a monotone voice as everyone got into place- Eri and Kora disappearing into dust. "The two kids will be fine- a specific acquaintance of mine has made a room so they kids can be there in the mean time." Yuki said towards Aizawa, the Wild Wild Pussy Cats, and Mirio. "Let's get this finished with." She said as the screens turned black again- many students shielding their eyes in case it turned into the bright white that annoyed many of them. "This was asked by someone who I kinda know @Andrewbird644 asked for this- so I'll show it." Yuki said slightly breaking the fourth wall. "Who is Andrew?" Mina asked as Yuki only scolded herself for breaking the forth wall.

The screen turned to an old gray- there on a chair stood Izuku Midoriya. But he seemed to be in his mid-twenties, if not more.

"Is that Midori Bro? He seems to be much older." Kirishima said as many students also nodded. "This world has no quirks- more like it was the era before quirks were discovered, when quirks were unnatural and were known as talent. Back then when you had to earn your quirk." Yuki said with sadness laced in her voice. The class assumed it to be that she wanted to go back to that era. "Was it nicer?" Ochako asked as many students also pondered. "N-no, people murdered people everyday, till this day we are not safe. "B-back then..we wanted to become h-heroes." Yuki said, stammering a bit with her words remembering many people from her past. "Let's get this over with." She said grimly as many students too wanted to see how this one would end up.

"I hurt myself today" Izuku started as a blade was shown besides him.

"That isn't good- it never is good to hurt yourself." Midnight said as many other teachers agreed. "Yes- never hurt yourself students." Vladking said as Sero silently looked down with Kirishima and Denki. "Yea! Hurting yourself is bad dudes!" Present Mic said loudly as Aizawa only rolled his eyes.

"To see if I still feel." He said as his eyes were shown emotionless.

"Oh Deku Kun." Ochako said sadly as Todoroki only prayed silently for the boy he loved. "He lost his emotions." Momo gasped silently as Kendo and Ibara only looked at the now depressed teen that they heard was always smiling.

"I focus on the pain, the only thing that's real" He said his scars being shown under the slightly long sleeves he wore.

"N-no." All Might said- trying to stay strong at the sight of his successor. "Never do this please." Midnight said as Aizawa only nodded towards her statement. "It is never good to release pain like this." He said in a monotone voice- Sero only looking down in embarrassment to which Mina questioned silently. "You must understand that in this one many of you left Izuku, died on him, or betrayed him example as taking his dream." Yuki said curtly as Ochako felt tears starting to form within her eyes.

"The needle tears a hole, the old familiar sting, try to kill it all away, but I remember everything" He sang sadly as it showed all of his friends and family- soon changing into their eyes being crossed out with a white marker and a word in the white abyss in black marker. Iida=left, Ochako=dead, Bakugo=betrayed, Kirishima=left, Mina=left, Sero=dead, Todoroki=dead, Satou=betrayed, Kouji=dead, and so on and so fourth.

"N-no." Tsuyu said as she spotted her name. "I would never betray Midoriya." Shouji said with a face of worry and confusion. "Let's face it here- you guys died or betrayed him or left as a coping mechanism. Though it was not best us as human beings do weird things when hurt." Yuki said noticing Kouji's body stiffen at his name and what happened until Satou slithered his hands around him.

"What have I become, my sweetest friend? Everyone I know- goes away in the end.." He said ass it showed Izuku's father killing himself after the news of Inko Midoriya- leaving Izuku alone in an orphanage.

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