New babies and a bit of fourth wall being broken

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After half an hour Yuki came back with Eri, Kota, and another boy and girl around their age. "Who are they Yuki San?" Ochako asked as Yuki only smiled softly at the two babies bundle of joy in her arms. "These two babies came from another world- I would never prevent a world unless it were to break me so hard. They were the last thing surviving." She murmured as tears formed within her eyes- the baby boy waking up.

"Miss Yuki? What's wrong- w-where's mommy?" The boy said as the girls gushed over the sound of the voice. Ochako stood on her tipsy toes as the other two kids ran over to their respected adults- giggling over the new friend they met. Ochako looked at the baby before she fell down and had a face of pure shock. "W-what happened to-" She said being cut off by Iida rushing towards her and catching her. "What happened Uraraka?" He asked as tears formed within her eyes. "N-no." She said as Yuki smiled sadly. "This was before they burned to death- they'll go back when the timeline is fixed and better and once the two are healed." She said as the girl woke up. Yuki let them both down- showing two greenette children with scars and bruises over their body. "Where are we Miss Yuki?" The boy asked as it showed his scars bleeding. "Y-yuki." The girl murmured as she only smiled.

"Guys- meet Izumi and Izuku. Their parents are gone- er, are on a long time business trip." She said as everyone nodded. "What happened to them?!" Aizawa asked as both kids looked at each other. "Calm down Eraserhead, these two have been through a lot." She said quietly as many teachers understood. "Hey Izuku and Izumi- I want you both to remember these names: Suzuki and Koizumi, you also see that guy and girl over there." She said as she pointed towards Aizawa and Nemuri. "Yea." They both said together as Yuki only smiled. "Treat them nicely and choose them when coming back 'Kay?" She said as both kids nodded eagerly.

"Why must they treat us nicely and choose us for what?" Nemuri asked as Yuki only smiled. "You both will be their guardians in another universe- where their parents died- a-and.." Yuki said trailing off a bit. "Will they survive?!" Ochako asked breaking the silence as tears were spilling down her face. "T-they will- I can not let another one die- they'll be safe and sound. Right babies? You're gonna be the best heroes! You're gonna survive- I saved you guys." She said as tears spilled her face.

Yuki was now on the floor as both children were looking at her- smiles on their faces as they both comforted her with their words. Amazing the teachers and heroes for they knew they couldn't have been able to do that.

"What's their timeline as Yuki?" Mina asked silently as said girl only stood up. "She'll be with the son of Endeavor for her quirk makes him feel safe. And he'll be with the daughter of Bakugo." Yuki said as Katsuki got mad. "You mean I won't be with my idiot?!" He growled as Yuki only rolled her eyes. "Author Chan wouldn't allow it- besides in alternate universes you can't expect to love the same person over and over again." She said as Krishima nodded. "Who's Author Chan?" Mandalay asked as Yuki scolded herself again. "And am I the only one who sees the big crack on the wall?" Mina said as Yuki's eyes widened. "You can see through the fourth wall?!" She said as many students questioned to what was happening. "What crack Ashido San?" Iida said as Yuki only gave a smile.

"Izu Chan, Izu Kun- go with Kota and Eri kay?" The girl said as the four children nodded and went off to play. As the kids started running off Yuki's smile turned into a frown. "The fourth wall is where many of us belong- few people can see it, from up to one to none. Mina here is known through the fourth wall a lot with Izuku as the gods of deku-verse love them." Yuki said as many questioned the place. "Pretty much chosen ones get to see the crack, and know what happens." Yuki said as the crack grew bigger.

A low grumble took over the place- as many students seemed worried as well as the children. They ran back and everyone fell down- all but Yuki. "What's going on Yuki?!" Monoma yelled as many students and teachers also wondered. "Behind me." Yuki said grimly as everyone scramble to be behind her.

After a few minutes walking could be heard. The shaking stopped and the sound of shoes walking could be the only thing heard. "Yuki, they're going to be mad." A voice said as Yuki only nodded. "I am sorry Ai Chan, but there is another vision seeker here." Yuki said quietly as a growl could be heard. After a second the growling stopped. "They got their quirks taken away huh?" The voice said as Yuki nodded. "I hate their timeline." The voice said as the students winced.

"So pathetic- only revolve around quirks and how strong you are! Oh how when you become weak you want to die and end everything! YOU WONDER WHY THERE'S SO MUCH SUICIDAL IZUKU! BECAUSE YOUR STUPID UNIVERSE IS MESSED UP!" The voice screamed as the teachers whinced at the statement.

"Don't you dare tell me you don't agree Yuki! That's the only reason we bring them here! BECAUSE THEY NEVER LEARN!" The steps continued and soon the could see the silhouette of the figure. "Calm down Ai Chan- while I agree that their timeline is screwed up- you have to thank Inko, Aizawa, and Nezu for being who they are. Almost impossible to find a universe with them being mean. And even then when Inko was mean we all know she never meant it." Yuki said grimly as the said as Aizawa and Nezu felt relieved at their names.

"Kayama and Hizashi are good too- it's just that they arent the main deal in most." Yuki said as the other two heroes felt relieved at their names. "Fuck them and their stupid ass universe." The voice said.

Walking soon continuing to reveal a girl with purple hair- two shades. One light the other fark- she was wearing all black trench coat with cat ears that was fairly fashionable. Her true cat ears showing as well as her tail. Tears spilling from her eyes, her height seemed around 5 feet.

"Ai Chan!" The four kids giggled as they ran over to the girl. "You broke the fourth wall now I have to fix it- and we found out that someone brought them in so we can too." Ai Chan said walking to the crack and revealing a staff.

"Mina is good too ya know." Yuki said silently as Ai Chan only stiffened. "She's barely in- a good friend and all which is why she had the vision seeker." Ai Chan said walking away from the crack as it was fully good now.

"What do you mean by them?" Ochako asked quietly to Yuki once Ai Chan left. "Them meaning all the Izuku's before they either died, or what happens in the future. And don't mind her- she hates all of you except the ones she said." Yuki said as the rest saddened quietly.

"Did you mean it too?" Iida asked quietly as Yuki only smiled sadly. "While I do believe that there is good within you all- and the universe shows it. I- we are too far gone to believe in you guys other than the ones she said." Yuki murmured quietly as everyone nodded sadly.

"Let's go see something new- I say some good FSI or SI 2.0, both are good as well as In.I and some other ones." Yuki murmured quietly as the rest nodded. "This one isn't done- there are many more and I will show within time." Yuki said- teleporting to dust and re-appearing with a new box labeled with happy thoughts.

"Let's go." She said as everyone accommodated to feel comfortable.

Yo so I need some ideas or requests since I also want you guys to have a say in this, you guys are the readers so choose if you may. Some zombie, survival, singer, memes, or genderbent AU's could do me some good. While I have some in mind you guys need to take part in this because I want you guys to feel a part of this.

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