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So the author for Class 1B big brother let me do a chapter. So you guys know as hell I did it. But some stuff happened and it got deleted so I remade it SUCK IT VIRUS >:) N e who, here it is. EnjOY

Izuku felt a cold shiver run down his spine. "You okay Young Midoriya?" All Might asked as I nodded. "I am fine, you guys must head home. I'll go back to school tomorrow." I said as the detective and All Might nodded. "Oh yea, sorry kid we forgot to tell you. But Aizawa is here next door so try not to deprive him of sleep." He said as I nodded. Once they both left I sighed and took my phone from the nightstand. '3 new messages from "Chizome"' I sighed to myself and read the texts.

"I heard what happened. You better have not died."

"Aye I see you and your wannabe hero friends."

"Oh, you're at the hospital, well the League of Villains want me to join their puny wannabe no reason gang. I said no of course. But maybe you could? More details in person."

Sighing into the latest text I smirked. Chizome Akaguro. A....'sole' friend....not to mention a vigilante. Me and him never did get along. He was a hero killer vigilante. And if he broke our deal....I was gonna mess with him. 'Knock knock.' I smirked at the knock. "Come in." I said sighing as the door opened to show Stain in common clothes.

"Talk. My teacher is next door and I don't want him knowing I have contacts with the number one hero killer vigilante." "I think you mean hero wannabe killer vigilante." He said as I smirked. "What's up?" I ask as he sighs. "L.O.V wants me to join. Of course I said 'no' but they're stubborn, let me tell you. I don't mess with this type of shit- but I know you would." "I used to, but this could bring me good use. I could have insight for them." I said as he nodded.

"That's what I was texting you. You could use this to your advantage. Look, I want all your wannabe hero friends to die but I can't kill them. "So if you can't then this could." "Exactly, but I know you don't want people in your shit but this could help you so when times come rough you have insight." I thought about it.

Things could go wrong in the future. I want to be a hero. I need to be a hero. I don't want my class to suffer if I do something wrong. But this could help me, I can stop possible bad stuff from happening and I could help them ruin the L.O.V so the world can be safe.

"Look, protect them all you want. You know you can't become a hero without taking risks. You want the world to be safer for your mom. I get it. But this could help us all out. This could be a final thing for those wannabe villains." He said looking straight at me in the eyes.

"Don't know. You're right. But I could get kicked out for this. Even talking to you." I tell him as he smirks. "But you live for the risk and respect." He says as I pinch my temple. "I'll think about it. Don't want to ruin my chances for this school but sometimes to do the right thing you gotta do the wrong thing." I said waving my hands as he smirks and stands up. "Thanks Mido, think about it. I should probably go get ready for work." He says as I sigh louder.

"Doing my best to not kill any hero friends, no grand promises!" He said putting his hands in his pocket and walking out. I sigh. I want to help them. Him to be exact. He has helped me with keeping friends safe from wannabe villains since all they also care for is fame. But I can't lose my shot at this. I finally get a chance to win, to get my lifelong dream. But it can all be taken away.

"I hate life." I groaned from my hospital bed. I was going straight back to school tomorrow but I was hoping that the USJ thing would keep me away from school longer. I needed time to think about this. Silently swearing I heard another knock. "Enter?" I questioned it as it revealed to be my teacher. "Well you look horrible." I said as he only gave me a death glare.

"What ya need teacher?" I ask as he rolls his eyes. "I heard you were talking to someone, heard like he had something you didn't want. You okay problem child?" He asked as I mentally cursed at myself for my recklessness. Stupid hospital walls being so thin. "Nah, old friend annoying me the usual." I said casually as he sighed.

"I heard everything." He said as I rolled my eyes internally. "Okay so what now? Am I gonna get in trouble, you gonna report me and I lose my chance at becoming a hero?" I asked as he only gave me his tired stare. "Look problem child, I don't meddle with stuff that doesn't belong to me but this could help Yuuei. All Might almost got hurt and used something he shouldn't have." He said as I nodded.

"Look, this is from hero to working hero, not teacher to student. Just think about it. Your friend is right, this could help you and us. And no trouble, we've been trying to get into the vase ever since they started but we think they have someone big on their side. You could help us." He said as I nodded slowly. "May as well, could help us in the future. Look I'll do it, but I feel only a specific amount of people should know." I said as he nodded. Guess I'm doing a new job. 'Jeez thanks Stain. Imma get you back for this.' I thought as Aizawa Sensei made some calls.


Did it. TYSM for letting me do this. ILY n ur book. So- uhm. Stay safe bitches and try not to go insane...






here it is @breakbot4   MUAH *kissies*  Bye angels! And remember to not be a stranger! But how could you if we STUCK INSIDE TwT

Also this is my Friday update. SO yea. Sorry? *gets ready for spams of shouting*

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