New person and Deku died - I'm back :)

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"Hello!" Yuki said as she teleported into the room of class 1-A, few heroes and four kids. "We thought you left!" Mina said as Yuki smiled gently. "Would never...sorry but my world is falling apart. And I too have a family." She said as Ai Chan came from the shadows. "Will you shut UP!" Ai said while making sure everyone heard she was tired of this nonsense.

"S-sorry Ai Chan..." Yuki said as the heroes, heroes to be and hero wannabe's watched the interaction. "Whatever. I'll be gone longer than expected. Don't mess crap up." She said as she went into the shadows and disappeared. "What happened bro?" Kirishima asked as Yuki flinched. "N-nothing. I'll be back with someone to help. In the mean time...Eri, Kota and twins. I have somewhere special you guys get to go to. With kids your age." She said as the kids eyes lightened up with delight.

"Since I'll be switching dimensions. Please don't worry to where I am taking them." She said as Aizawa scoffed. "Where are you-" "Teleport us to Terror kids A-1" Yuki said. And just like that she was gone. "Did she say terror kids?!" Mirio asked wary of where the daught-sister-like girl went. And wary for Kota. "Are they going to be okay though?!" Mandalay asked as Ragdoll rubbed her back. "I'm sure it's nothing right guys?" Ochako asked as Iida nodded. Slowly getting the class to agree.

In fifteen minutes Yuki came back with a cloaked person. "WHERE DID YOU TAKE THE BABIS?!" Mina 'asked' as many other questions came out. "Hush!" Yuki said with glowing black eyes. Everyone calmed down and she smiled. Taking a deep breath her normal brown eyes appeared. "This do I say this?" She muttered as the class looked warily.

"I am so getting killed- guys this is Daishinokabe. A...friend." Yuki said as the cloaked figure huffed. "Friend my ass. You and everyone else make my life hard." The cloaked figure said as Yuki chuckled awkwardly. "L-love you?" She asked as said person huffed. "Call me Daishi. If not I'll delete you from existence." Daishi said as everyone paled.

"Daishi! Bad Daishi! We don't terrorize the reactioners- we torture them with watching alternate universes!" Yuki said as Daishi scoffed. "Unless you gus didn't know. My name means fourth wall. I am always watching and getting tortured when you break me!" The cloaked figure said revealing themselves to wearing Harry Potter female uniform, Sword Art Online Kirito's favorite sword, a red bow that looked just like Blossom's from the Power Puff Girls and a pearl necklace from RiverDale along with the bead necklace from Camp Half Blood. Bandaids littered her skin and even hair. "Hehe~ I can choose my gender! Just like LOLbit!" Daishi said as they seemed to have chosen the female persona.

"That's so cool!" Hagakure said as her clothes went towards Daishi. "Yea! I'm made out of many fandoms. And whatever I wear has to be from a fandom. Everything you see is from a different world!" Daishi said as they twirled around. "Also my pronouns are she and her author chan!" Daishi said knowing how tired Author Chan was of trying to figure out how to address the girl. "Author chan?" Nezu asked as Daishi hummed. "Being the fourth wall is amazing! I have so many friends. Like Ink, Error, Core and Ballora! Also your kids are fine! They're with other kids who had a rough past!" Daishi said as Yuki nodded.

"Like Parker from Tattletail. And both Chris Afton and Elizabeth Afton from Five Night at Freddy's Afton family. And Sal William and many other kids with troubled pasts." Yuki said as the heroes hearts broke at the news. "Many kids there are dead, many are ghosts, many have a bad spirit willing to possess them and other stuff. Also some are killers-" Yuki then realized what she said. 'I fucking messed up.' She thought as everyone started yelling at her for sending them to killers. All except Bakugou and Nezu. "SHUT THE HELL UP!" Bakugou yelled as everyone quieted down.

"Thank you. Now fo you lazy asses. I said killers because Sal Williams is a killer who had no choice. He was forced to kill along with Frisk and Chara. And Sally from the creepypastas was killed by her damn uncle and later on killed him! So shut up and don't critisize people when you would've done the same thing. No matter what you say." Yuki said.

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