Chapter 1

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My name is Keanna Loa. I'm 24 years old and live in Pensacola, Florida with......well, I don't even know what to call him. Asshole, possessive freak, daddy (that's what he likes me to call him)! Anyways, his name is Roman. We've been "together" for three years. It's been the worst years of my life. I've known Roman since 6th grade though. Roman and I used to be great friends. Of course I've tried to leave Roman but I've never gotten far. If I "disobeyed" Roman, he'd punish me. In painful ways!


I groggily opened my eyes. It's 7:00am. But I have to be up before Roman. I struggled to pry Roman's tight grip off of me. He always holds me tightly at night. Most of the time, bone-crushing tight. He does it to make sure I don't go anywhere at night

I removed his arm and instantaneously, Roman grabbed my throat and pulled me back down

"Where are you going" Roman growled in my ear

I couldn't answer, only gasp for air "It's....... 7....." I squeezed out

Roman let go and I held my throat and coughed. I crawled out of our California king bed. He does this every morning, like he doesn't know the routine HE GAVE ME......

I ran the shower water and took my clothes off. I stopped and stared in the mirror. I looked at my many bruises. The most distinct one was from last night. It was on my ribs

I took my shower and then went downstairs to clean. As I was vacuuming, I looked out of the window and saw a moving van next door

Once I was cooking, Roman came down. He wrapped his arms around me and I winced a little. His arm was on my rib

Roman kissed my neck "Good morning"

"Morning...... " I blankly said, trying to ignore the pain

Roman turned me around to face him "I'm sorry about last you forgive me"

It's not like you're giving me a choice! "Yea....." I avoided eye contact

Roman kissed my forehead "I love you....."

"I love you too" I lied

While Roman sat at the table to eat, I took the trash out. I saw one of my neighbors. We obviously never spoken a sentence to each other. Well, he has, I haven't. I don't even know his name.

I have another neighbor on the other side of my house, but he looks like a psycho. I see him every now and then. I'm pretty sure that Roman is friends with him .

He waved and smiled at me. I did the same back. He began walking towards me. I got stiff. I guess he was going to talk to me. But Roman doesn't like me talking to other guys. I took too long thinking and before I knew it, my neighbor was already next to me .

"Hi. I'm Chris. We never really got to formally meet" Chris smiled showing perfect teeth

"Hi. I'm Keanna" I shyly said, looking down .

"We've been neighbors for about a year and barely talked. I'm having a party tonight because I'm moving to LA in a few days. Wanna come?"

"Oh.....I......I can't" I shook my head

"Oh... "

I noticed Roman looking out of the window "I have to go" my voice cracked and I sounded like I was about to cry

I walked away, but Chris lightly grabbed my arm "Here's my number" he had it on a piece of paper and he handed it to me

I quickly retreated my arm and rushed into the house. I was "welcomed" with a blow to the stomach. I fell to the floor, holding my stomach. Roman grabbed my hair and picked me up and slammed me to the wall

"What did I tell you about talking to other guys" Roman pulled my head off the wall just to slam it right back

"He came up and talked to me" I groaned

"What did I tell you was going to happen if you talked to another guy"

"It wasn't my fault, Roman. Please.... "

Roman kneed me in the stomach and punched me in my face before he let go of me

"I don't know why I even waste my time with you. You're a pathetic whore. You're worthless" Roman said in disgust before going back upstairs .

I laid on the floor, hurt. More of because what Roman said


I stepped out of the shower and looked at myself again. I was so tired of seeing this person. This wasn't the old me. This girl in the mirror was scarred, damaged, and afraid.

I put on a tank top and shorts. I laid in bed, about to cry when Roman laid next to me. My back was facing Roman

"Keanna, how about we have fun.... " Roman rubbed my thigh with a finger and kissed my shoulder. I flinched. But once again, I didn't really have a choice. Either I give it up or get punished. And I was still in pain.

After about 25 minutes of meaningless sex, I laid in bed, not moving and barely breathing. Roman was asleep, I think. Sex with Roman is powerful, dominant, but just meaningless. I don't even enjoy it anymore. I'm always on birth control pills because I definitely don't want to have a baby by Roman. I don't think I love him anymore .

I looked at the clock and it was 10:42pm. Roman's arm was wrapped tight around me.

I began thinking of so many things. Why was I still here? Why haven't I called the cops? I have a phone but Roman only let's me keep it so if I go somewhere (With promises of coming back) he can keep in touch with me. Roman is the only contact in my phone. Why don't I just kill Roman? Do I even love him? I was sure about that answer: no, I can't.

Why did I even fall for Roman? After so many years of friendship. He sure as hell doesn't even care about how we used to be. Roman doesn't even care about me!

I closed my eyes, only to stop tears. It turned into silently sobbing.

"Babe, what's wrong...." I heard Roman say

I froze. I thought he was asleep. Roman turned the light on and sat up. I still laid with my back facing Roman

"Keanna" Roman said. It sounded kinda threatening. So I quickly wiped my tears and sat up.

I looked at the blanket "I'm fine" I said

Roman grabbed my chin and turned me to him. Roman slowly kissed me. I kissed back, barely moving my lips.

Roman pulled away "Do you hear that"

I shook my head. Both of us were quiet for a few seconds. Then, I realized what Roman was talking about. I heard music. Loud music. I guess I didn't hear it before because my mind was rushing with too many things. Roman got out of bed and put clothes on. I knew where he was going.

"Roman.... Dont" I said

"Come on" Roman said

I quickly got out of bed. Got dressed and grabbed my shoes

We went to Chris's house and it was packed with people. Roman grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house. We had to push our way through people. My hand slipped out of Roman's. Within a few seconds, I lost Roman in the crowd. I know he was trying to find Chris to confront him .

I turned back around and tried to get out of the house since Roman was on his own. I started to think....... Is this a chance for me to get away? Should I try?

Should Keanna try to escape or not?
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