Chapter 13

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I crept out of the hospital. I went into the first place I saw: a bar. I went to the payphone. After getting change, I put a quarter in

I tapped my foot, trying to remember Dean's phone number

I finally remembered then dialed it



Keanna? OMG. Are you OK


Where are you


I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to help you

I understand. Um..... I think that I'm legally able to get back into the states, but I don't know where I am exactly

Just ask for directions


Um.... I miss you and I'm so sorry

I miss you too. Are the feds still looking for Roman


If I come back to the states and Roman follows me, then it'll be easy for him to go to jail

Are you OK

Other being shot

I'm so sorry

Yea. Anyways, my house was burned down so I relocated


San Diego

Well, I'll try my best to get out of Mexico

Please be safe

I'll try .......Um...... I'm.... I'm pregnant... 

Yea, definitely be safe

I got to go. Hopefully I'll see you soon

Yea. Bye

I hung up and sighed. I walked out of the bar. I really didn't know what to do


Alright, so I found my way to the border and nice couple offered to drive me to San Diego

After I was past the border, I felt a lot better, besides the throbbing in my wrist. The couple were in Mexico for their honeymoon. Their names are Jimmy and Naomi

They make me envy their relationship. Why couldn't I be happy? I never even got a honeymoon

Roman's P.O.V

Keanna left! The nurse said that she wasn't at the hospital. Now, I really don't have a way to find Keanna because she left her phone here. She obviously must be trying to get out of Mexico. She took her passport and about 2,000 dollars of my money

"Katrina!" I yelled to upstairs

"Yes?!" Katrina sounded a little annoyed

I jogged upstairs. Katrina was in the bedroom "Wait, what's wrong with you" I asked


Oh! She's still mad that I won't divorce Keanna

I pulled Katrina off of the bed and into my chest "Please don't be mad" I pleaded

Katrina sighed. I kissed her neck and raised my hand up the back of her shirt. Katrina gives in easily. I unhooked her bra and took it off. Katrina wrapped her arms around my neck. I moved to Katrina's lips. She began to take my shirt off

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