Chapter 12

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Roman slowly let go of me. He looked at my hand. I was still wearing the engagement ring. Roman walked out of my room and came back in 10 minutes later

I was sitting in a rocking chair that was in my room. Roman handed me a pregnancy test

I slowly walked into the bathroom. After five minutes, I got the results, but I didn't leave the bathroom. I sat on the floor, crying. The last time Roman and I had sex was a couple of days before we decided to take a break

Roman came in. He looked at me and then the pregnancy test

Roman sat beside me and held my hand "We're going to have a kid, like you wanted" I couldn't tell if he was mocking me or not

Roman left my room again

Roman's P.O.V

I went downstairs to Katrina

"Why do you look so happy" She asked, wrapping her arms around my neck

"Keanna's pregnant"

Katrina slowly dropped her hands "And you're happy about that?....."


"So wait, if Keanna has that baby then what's going to happen with us"

"We're still going to be together"

"That's not going to work for me. You can't have your wife, your child, and your girlfriend under one roof"

"Of course we can"

"Do you even care about me or even love me"

"Yes, I do"

"Then why won't you divorce Keanna"

"It's hard to explain"

Katrina sighed and left the house. I went back into Keanna's room. She was still in the bathroom crying

I pulled her up and laid her head in my chest. Keanna pulled away from me and walked past me and sat on her bed. I sat in a chair beside the bed

Keanna's P.O.V

"When......when was the last time we...... " Roman pointed to the both of us

I knew what he was asking. I just didn't answer and I continued to look down

"Keanna!" Roman tightly grabbed my arm

"What..... " I softly asked, still looking down

"Why are you acting so careless we are having"-(gco)

"We?" I jerked my head up "You're never going to be a any woman. You're not even a man"

"We're having a child" Roman said through gritted teeth

"Who said I was keeping it" Of course I'm going to keep my baby

"You're keeping it"

"You can't tell me what to do with it. It's my body and you're not carrying it"

"If you lose this baby, trust me, you'll lose your life too" Roman was obviously threatening me

"I'm OK with that"

Roman snatched me up. He looked at me with pleading eyes "We both know that I haven't been the best husband. Well, haven't been the best person period. I have a lot of issues. I don't know if I'll ever change, but I know that I love you very much. You're my first love and my wife. I want us to have a family like you do"

"Wanted a family. Past tense"

"Well, we're still having this baby"

"No "we're" not"

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