Chapter 11

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"Roman, you're hurting my waist..... " Keanna squirmed

I slowly let go of Keanna and she looked at me with a little fear

"I'm sorry....." I held Keanna's hand and she flinched

Two Days Later

Keanna's P.O.V

I sat in my hotel room, waiting for Dean to get here. I invited him because I wanted someone to talk to

I've barely thought about Roman. Surprisingly, I haven't had anything nightmares since I left the house or been around Roman. I guess they're over. Roman hasn't even called me yet, I haven't called him neither. I've been good by myself

I opened the door for Dean and both of us made ourselves comfortable on the couch

"How's everything" Dean asked

"Good" I smiled

"Why are you in this hotel room"

"Roman and I are taking a week off" I shrugged

"Oh I'm sorry"

"It's OK. I actually feel.......better away from Roman"

"That's not good in a marriage"

"Secrets and lies also aren't good in a marriage"

"So, would you two get a divorce"

"Um..... I don't know. He doesn't tell me much and I'm kinda losing the little bit of feelings I do have for him. I don't know why I even fell in love with him and that's worrying me"

"You don't remember anything before your accident"

"No..... Well, I..... I had these nightmares a few days ago. They're scary and I don't know what they mean. Roman's in it and it's terrifying...... They also seem really real"

"What do you mean 'real'"

"I had this one nightmare where Roman seemed like over possessive, controlling, dominant, and almost obsessed. He was abusing me. In my dream, he punched me in my stomach and I have a bruise in the exact same place"

"Have you had any nightmares recently"

"Not since I left the house"

"Do you think........that those dreams are real......and it's just a way of your memory trying to come back"

"Roman wouldn't do that to me..... " I laughed a little, but then it died down because I really thought about it. That thought doesn't sound stupid. Roman is bipolar

"And Roman never told you why you tried to commit suicide? Have you asked"

"I have asked, but he hasn't told me"

"Do you trust him"

"I really used to"

"Do you love Roman"

"I don't know....."

"Well, then you need to choose if you want to be with Roman after looking at all of the pros and cons"

I sighed and nodded "Thanks" I smiled

"No problem"

"I just want to ask, why are you single? You seem too wise.... "

"I just don't get out much......"

"You should. You're pretty fun to be around"

"How come you never talked to me before"

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