Chapter 4

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I sighed "Fine..... "

"OK. I'm leaving in about 30 minutes"

I nodded

Roman's P.O.V

I woke up....... And in a hospital? Oh, yea. Now I remember what happened.....

I looked at my wound that was wrapped up. It was in my left pec. I sat up in bed. My bullet hole didn't even hurt. I looked at the clock, which said 12:17pm. I looked outside the glass that led to the main desk. It was pretty dark and I barely saw anyone. But, I saw cops there. Hell no! I'm not going to jail. Especially before I get my revenge

I yanked the tubes and needles out of me. I went to the cracked window that was letting a breeze in. I opened it wide. Luckily, I was on the ground floor. I grabbed my clothes that was sitting on a chair. My clothes were washed

I climbed out the window and bolted away from the hospital. I hid in a bush and put my clothes on. This hospital was 37 minutes away from my house by car

Oh, wait. I just realized that my phone was in my pocket. So...... Keanna's on the move.... Yea, I put a tracking device in her phone. How else would I know where to find her?

I stood in front of a passing car. It stopped. A lady got out. A sexy chick at that. Damn, she got a body! Not as good as Keanna's, but good

"Are you ok" she asked

"I am now..... I need a place to stay tonight......"

"Oh...... Um.... "

"Please..... " I asked flashing a sexy smile and biting my lip

"Um... Sure"

I got in the passenger seat with her in the driver's. She had a bunch of luggage in her car

"Going somewhere.... "

"Not anymore. I just moved here from San Diego. I just wanted to get away from my family. They live in San Diego"

"I'm Roman"

"I'm Katrina"

"So, where are we going"

"Staying in a hotel tonight.....if you don't mind....I'm not able to get into my house tonight"

"No" I smiled


I sat in the living room as Katrina came out the bathroom with shorts and a t shirt on. I tried not to stare but she didn't even pay attention

Katrina sat on the bed. I stood up and sat next to her

"What are you doing" she laughed as she put her wet hair in a bun

"Not to be straight forward, but are you single"

"I'm not going to answer that" Katrina raised an eyebrow

"I'll take that as a 'yes'" I gently placed my lips on Katrina's and kissed her

She jumped off the bed. I could tell that she liked it though, Katrina was blushing

"Good Night" Katrina said, walking into the adjoining room

I grabbed her waist and turned her around. I lifted her on my waist then pushed her up against the wall. I knew Katrina felt my boner. I kissed Katrina's neck and she moaned. I carried her to my bed. I laid her down as I stood on the bed and took my shirt off

Katrina looked at my bandage "What happened.... "

"Long story"

I continued taking off my clothes and Katrina's. I crawled on top of her and kissed every inch of her waist up

I slowly stuck my dick inside of her. Katrina gasped gripped my arm. I moved in and out slowly at first. Then, I went deep and fast. Katrina squeezed her legs around my waist. I gripped her hair and pulled it back to kiss her neck

"Don't stop..... " Katrina moaned

Soon Katrina and I both came. And wow, she's a squirter. Like Keanna was..... I shook that happy thought of Keanna out of my head. Keanna betrayed me and she'll get hers


I woke up between Katrina's tits. She was knocked out. I got out of bed and got dressed. I took Katrina's car keys and left a note with my phone number. I rushed outside to her car. Katrina was fine as fuck and good in bed. Just nothing compared to Keanna......I sighed at my thoughts again

Keanna's P.O.V

Chris and I have been driving all night. It's 9:30am. I was driving right now

"We should stop at a motel" Chris said

"No, we can't. We're fine" my eyes were glued to the road

"You're not fine. We need to rest"

It was silent while I thought "Alright.... "

We checked into Day Inn. Chris laid on the bed. I sat in a chair after I took my shower

"Are you going to rest" Chris asked

"No. I'm fine" my feet were tapping the floor

Chris sat up "There's nothing to be afraid of anymore"

Chris walked over to me. He led me to the bed. Both of us laid in front of each other. Chris wrapped his arm around me. I felt a little better I guess.....

"You can't escape from me..." Roman said, threatening

"Just leave me alone" I cried

"I'm obsessed with you. You're mine!!!"

"Go away!"

"Not after you betrayed and disobeyed me. You'll get the ultimate punishment" Roman smirked, holding the same blade he cut me with

I turned around to run but I realized that I was in my old house and in The Room. I backed away to a wall in fear

"I'm coming for you...." Roman lifted the knife to stab me

"Keanna, wake up!" Chris yelled

I was still screaming and frantically swinging my arms

"Keanna!" Chris restrained my arms

I looked at him. I looked around the room. It was just a nightmare

"Are you OK" Chris asked

"What time is it"

"7:24pm. Why"

"We need to get back on the road" I jumped off of the bed

"Keanna, what's wro"-(gco)

"Can we just go!!"

"Fine" Chris raised his hands in surrender

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