Chapter 10

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Roman's P.O.V

I had no idea that Katrina was our neighbor. Then again, Keanna and I barely go outside

Keanna come downstairs and smiled

"This is our neighbor, Katrina and this is my wife, Keanna" I introduced

I noticed that Katrina's smile dropped, but she quickly put it back up

"Hi" Was all Keanna said

"Nice to meet you. Well, I have to go. See you later" Katrina looked at me

"You two know each other" Keanna asked once Katrina was gone

"A little"

Keanna slowly nodded

"It's nothing bad, we're just friends"

"I wasn't thinking of it anymore than that"

"You sure" I walked towards Keanna

"You trying to say that I'm jealous"

I put my hands in Keanna's back pocket, gripping her butt "Well...... "

"Do I need to be" Keanna's face got serious

"Of course not anymore"

"Anymore?..... I would only be insecure or jealous if you were cheating on me..... " Keanna stepped back

"I wouldn't do that to you, OK?"

"OK.... "

"Now, how about we go bowling tonight"


I pulled Keanna into a kiss


Keanna's P.O.V

So Roman and I are at the bowling alley and he invited some people: Katrina and our other neighbor

"I call Roman as my partner" Katrina exclaimed

I made a face, but Roman smiled

"I'm Dean" My neighbor introduced himself to me

"I'm Keanna. Nice to meet you" I shook his hand......

"Strike!" I yelled and hugged Dean

It was the third round we've played. Dean and I've won all of them. Katrina and Roman didn't even seem interested in winning. They were just sitting and giggling and touching

"Alright, I'm tired. I'm gonna go" I announced after the final round

"I'm going to stay here and have a one on one round with Katrina" Roman looked at Katrina

I quickly walked out of the bowling alley. I had already walked three blocks when Dean drove beside me

"Want a ride" Dean asked

"I'm not supposed to get into a stranger's car" I smirked

"What about neighbors"

I smiled and got into the car

"How long have you and Roman been together" Dean asked

"From what Roman tells me, three years. I just know that we've known each other since 6th grade"

"From what Roman tells you?......."

"Well, apparently I tried to commit suicide, but just ended up breaking bones and a pretty bad memory loss"

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