The Reaping Day

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I can't sleep. After mom and dad told me and Rose about their experiences in the Hunger Games and the Quarter Quell, I was terrified. After dinner we watched the news and in my shock, the reaping will be attended tomorrow. Mother started to cry and dad tried to comfort her. I just sat there in shock, a feeling inside my chest felt like I just got stabbed in the heart.

I am now lying in bed thinking what I should do now that the reaping is tomorrow afternoon and I have no experience with anything.

The next morning, I don't know how I managed to go through the night with all the nightmares. In my surprise, Haymitch is sitting with dad in the kitchen. Haymitch, with a beer in his hand seems completely out today, he looks extremely drunk. I wonder what they are doing up so early.

H-Well look at that, it's Peeta junior! You really look like your dad when he was younger, you know that right?!

I nod, although many others think I look more like my mother, but I don't think it's a great time to argue about that right now.

P-Well great timing son, we are up this early discussing about today's event, want to join?

I don't say a single word. I just walk towards the kitchen table and sit on a free chair.

H-Well we were discussing about training you and your sister to prepare you for the Hunger Games, even though you guys have a low chance of being reaped, since we don't need to put tessaraes but, just in case, you guys will be training right after breakfast.

F-For how long?

P-As long as you need.

I don't move a single muscle. I just sit there and wait for someone to speak up.

After breakfast, me and Rose go outside where Haymitch, dad and mother are standing next to the fountain, with weapons in their hands. Rose looks afraid. I tried to comfort her, but didn't work. Mom with a bow in her hands, while dad has a knife. Haymitch has a broken glass, he probably broke it. While coming here.

Me and Rose each choose our weapons, I decided to get the knife, since it is most likely that there will be one in the arena. Rose decided that she would use the bow.

The clock turns to one. We get ready for the reaping, mom gets me a white shirt and some long black pants. Rose is wearing a beautiful white shirt and a skirt. Mother tucks in her shirt in her skirt. She starts to tear up.

K-This was my first reaping outfit, it was also Prim's first reaping outfit too.

As we walk down the alley, we see thousands of children, terrified. Mother and father walk together to the parent's ile where everyone expected that their children wouldn't do the reaping because they are victors. The truth is...the Capitol doesn't care.

Rose starts to grab my hand tightly until I can't even feel it anymore.

R- I can't do this.

I see that she is more nervous than anyone else. She is starting to tear up and starts to breath heavily.

F-It's going to be fine.

As I look in front of us, I see a table and some Capitol women taking...blood?

F-It looks like they are going to take blood from your finger, it's going to be a small pinch, don't worry, it's going to be alright.

I grab her in my arms and calming her down a little.

F-It's just one piece of paper in thousands.

We walk towards the table and that's where our hands have to seperate. I feel sick to my stomach.

After they take blood from my finger, I see that the machine wrote Finn Mellark.

Woman-Oh so you are Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen's child! You have any siblings?

F-Yes, a younger sister.

Woman-What's her name?


Woman-Cute, just adorable.

I walk down to the fifteen years old boys ile. And I see Rose walking up to the 12 years old girls ile.

As it finally begins, Effie Trinkets starts to show us why the Hunger Games begun. A small movie, she said.

E-Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!

Ah the famous speech mother and father told me and Rose about.

E-As always, ladies first.

I take a gasp and hope it isn't Rose.

F-Please not Rose, not Rose Mellark.

As I whisper silently, I hear Effie pull out the piece of paper.

E-Paige Halley!

I stop breathing for a second or two...Paige! No! She doesn't deserve this! Neither any of us here deserves this!

She walks towards the staige, her head looking straight. She looks brave, really brave.

E-And now for the boys.

I hold my breath...

E-Finn Mellark! Oh my! Oh my!

Everyone's head turn towards me. No, it can't be. I only had four pieces of papers with my name on it! Four! Out of thousands! How?!

I walk towards the stage as everyone passing me murmurs things about me.

E-Any volunteers?

No one says a single word.

E-Ok then...Oh ya, almost forgot! This year their will be 26 tributes, since district 13 is in the games as well. And! There's an and! Their will be two winners, but only if you are from the same district!

Effie starts to clap, but no one else does. All they do is, hold up three fingers in the air.

I sit on the couch, silently. Waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, the doors open and I see mom and dad and Rose rush in.

F-I guess the odds weren't in my favor.

Mom kneels down before me and starts to cry and I just hug her and say that everything will be alright.

P-Son, this happened to us, you are going to get through this, I promise.

He hugs me goodbye and kiss me on the forehead.

K-Here, it's a Mockingjay pin, it was a present for me, and now I want you to have, so you will be always protected.

R-You will come back, please, for me?

F-I will try my best Rosie.

I land a kiss on her head.

Peacekeeper-Ok, times up!

I wish there was more time, as I see father trying to convince them for more time, but unsuccessfully. I hear mom screaming, but her voice fades away as a peacekeeper bring her out of the justice building. I am left alone, again, and probably forever.

I'm very satisfied with this chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed it.


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