3, 2, 1, Let The 77th Hunger Games Begin

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I am now on a peditstol in a rain jacket and sweatpants.  It feels so hot, I am sweating, but Arink told me that everyone had to wear it. Here I am standing here ready to fight to death with other teenagers to survive.
Gamemaker- 10, 9, 8, 7....
Oh god, a few seconds left before the nightmare starts.
My heart is beating as fast as the counter counts down and a lump of tears is growing in my throat. But I am too eager and perhaps too frightened to cry.
Gamemaker-3, 2, 1. Ladies and gentlemen let the 77th Hunger Games begin!
I start to run for some supplies. I don't even know why I am not running towards the forest behind me. I could get killed right now, but my legs are not cooperating with my brain, they're just running. Running towards the bloodbath.

Luckily I am a fast runner, I get there first, take my knives, then a bow and arrows for Paige. I grab the first backpack I see and start to run towards the forest.
On my way back I see Paige struggling to hand-n-hand fight with a tribute from district 7. I throw one of my knives at him and he tumbles on the grass and a cannon booms.

I killed someone, a teenager. I killed a teenager.

I see that Paige has already two backpacks and is ready to run as well, I see Hunter waiting by a bush, she could get killed there. Why isn't she with the careers? They would want to kill them first for not allying with them.
HU-Come on!
We get to her and starts to run like crazy in the forest.
HU-Jeez, it's hot.
PA-What do you guys have in your backpacks?
HU-Well, I have two packs of crackers, a pack of beef jerky, two empty water bottles, a pack of matches and two small knives.
F-Euh, I have a pack of crackers,a pack of beef jerky, couple throwing knives and a bow for you that I got in the Cornucopia, a full water bottle, two sunglasses and five packets of matches.
PA-Thanks for the bow. I have basically the same things as you guys. Ready?
F-Ya, I suggest we start to find water, we only have some limited in stock.
We walk, walk and walk. It's been over an hour and the cannons from the bloodbath finally starts.
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...
HU-9, 10, 11...
PA-Eleven?! That's almost half dead in the first hour!
F-We can't set our guards down, these careers are strong, they will search for us.
We walk towards somewhere we don't know yet. And suddenly
BOOM! A cannon fires and it scares the crap out of me.
PA-Twelve dead in the first hour and a half.
HU-Jeez they are going for the win.
F-All three of us have a talent to keep us alive, we won't die in their hands.
PA-Well it would be nice of Haymitch to give us some water.
HU-Ya, Enaboria isn't straight forward, she knows we are close, she would've given us water if we are far, let's keep searching.
Paige and I walk together behind Hunter.
F-So about yesterday night...
PA-Yes, I do like you.
F-No, I had the longest crush on you! You don't understand that I will die just to save you.
She captures my face in her hands.
PA-Finn Mellark, you don't have to die to save me, I can protect myself, but thank you.
Then she plants a kiss on my forehead.

We walk for who knows how long and no success at finding water.
F-It's been a long time and there is no sign of water.
I suddenly hear a beeping sound.
PA- Look up!
HU-A sponsor!
Paige opens the sponsor gift, we were hoping for some water, but we ended up getting a metal thing.
HU-What the heck is that?
F-It's a spire!
HU-A what?
I take the spire and I use a rock to stick it in a tree. I wait and wait, and finally water comes out.
HU-Oh my gosh! I guess we weren't close to water, they needed time to get us this thing!
PA-Drink up!
We were all happy like a child when they receive a gift, the water is our gift. It isn't cold like what we would have liked, but it still helped a lot.
She said as she looked up at the sky.

Katniss' POV

I stare at our TV screen and hope that my son will get through, please. Each time they take the camera away from them, I start panicking, I just want to jump in there and help my son!
R-Mom, it's ok, he will win with Paige.
K-I sure hope so, sweetie.
I open my arms so I can hug her. I hug her like how I hugged Prim.
R-He will be alright.
I look down and stare at her eyes.
K-You know, you are just like your aunt. Always have hope.
R-You always need that.
We stay like that for a couple of minutes, until Peeta comes in.
P-How is Finn?
K-He's still alive. He's fine.
He comes and joins us on the couch. We watch the games in silence. But I suddenly see that Finn is fighting. Fighting against others and I don't see Paige, nor Hunter.
K-Rose go to your room, now!
R-No! No!
She says as Peeta carries her upstairs.
K-Please, please, come on Finn.
I see Finn falling on the ground blood surrounding him.

Hey guys, thank you so much for reading this. I really appreciate it. :)

Nothing much to say, just thank you guys so much.

Bye guys! <3

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