Finding Her

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Writer POV

Everyone was eating breakfast on the dining table. And enjoying their breakfast with a beautiful smile on their faces but Agha Jan was sad and having his breakfast quietly without talking to anybody.

When his older son noticed it.
He asked Agha Jan what's the are looking sad everyone went quite And started to stare Agha Jan.

Agha Jan meekly smiled and said oh no it's nothing.... I was just missing Farah. How would she look now......was she having all the necessities of life... do she know about us.

Sheryar said Agha Jan today I am going to send our a men in search of her and you don't worry we will find her very soon.

Agha Jan replied But what we will do if she didn't know us Or don't want to meet us Or see us what we will do then he said.

Wali replied Agha Jan please don't take stress it's not good for your health and we will see what we can do you don't need to be worried about anything just take care of yourself we will handle everything.

Saad replied yes Agha Jan Wali is right we will take care of everything and I know that we will find her in two or three days and then bring her to you we will have so much fun together.

Daniyal khan replied yes Agha Jan don't worry about anything because we have these five boys to support us and you don't need to be worried about anything just take care of yourself.

Sheryar said mom I am getting late I have to go office I have a very important meeting see you all in the evening.

Wali said Hoor I am going to take my bag you go get ready I am also getting late I will be waiting in the car for you.
Hoor Replied yes I'm coming in just five minutes you go in the car and wait.

Alia gave Agha Jan his medicines and take him to his room while all other ladies of the house clean dining table.


Writer POV

Sheryar reached his office and called the meeting with investigator and he gave him the details of Farah and said him to find her with in 24 hours. Investigator nodded his head and went out of the room.

And there was a knock on the door while Sheryar was looking at some files.

Come in Sheryar said.
Saad came and sit on the chair Which was kept in front of the table.
Yes Saad what you want asked Sheryar.

Bhai are you sure that we will find her this time because form past years we are searching for her but getting failed asked Saad

yes I am sure this time we will because I have appointed best investigator for this case and you don't worry you just take care off all law and stuff replied Sheryar.

Bhai you don't worry about the law I will take care of it and I am sure that we will definitely find her and even if she is married we will not let her go this is my promise replied Saad.

Good I expect same attitude from all of us............ I hope we will fine her soon Replied Sheryar.


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I am uploading this chapter because many of you say me to plz upload it.

I didn't got 30 votes nor nor 5 comments so I am bit disappointed.

But for some good friends and my supporting readers I will update.

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