Who Is In Control?

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Thanks all for your patience! I promise to keep a more consistent schedule with this fic 😅 Shout-out to HarleyH18 and LegaciesFandom for their support! ❤


Despite it's reputation, the Salvatore Boarding School For The Young and Gifted was actually quite similar to the average school. 

Like other schools, the Salvatore student body had it's jocks. Only they were prone to shape shifting under a full moon.

It's cliques were like any other, barring their ability to cast spells and hexes. 

And who could forget the creepy loner kids? Only these kids dialled up the creepy a few extra notches. Blood-drinking and all. 

Basketball? Wickory. Chemistry? Chemistry of Magic. Biology? Origin of the Supernatural Species. 

And group assignments? Well, they were just as bad as normal group assignments.
As the Salvatore witches knew all too well... 

"...and because some spells are stronger when cast in a group, most covens make sure to foster trust and teamwork amongst their members." 

The man at the front of the room seemed to be in his own little paradise, his smile wide as he scribbled note after note on the blackboard.

"Mr. Williams," one of the witches spoke up. "We've already gone over those stuff."

Dorian Williams turned to face his student, the sun glowing on his chocolate skin like a halo. 

"Yeah." he answered smugly. "But since your last teacher incinerated himself, I'm the best teacher you've got. And I like to go over the basics." 

A chorus of groans resounded from the class as Dorian went back to the chalkboard. Ignoring them, the teacher added a new diagram - a straight line with three stick figures.

"Now to build trust quicker between new witches, covens developed 'chain spells' - demonstrations of magic that can only be performed by two, three or more witches. And while they might look cool and flashy, they can only be pulled off with finesse, control and trust in the people you're linking with."

 Dorian put the chalk down, turning to face the class.

 "Alright," he clapped his hands together. "You guys know the drill. You've all been put into groups of three to demonstrate a chain spell. You'll each be assessed on technique, power, control and your bond with your partners. Any questions?"

The witches remained silent as Dorian took a clipboard off the nearby desk.

"Alright, Serena, Wade and Marcus - you guys are first up for the demonstration."

An excited smile appeared on Wade's face, an enthusiasm unshared by his team-mates.

"Alyssa, Lizzie, Kane," Dorian continued. "You guys will be up second."

Again, a lackluster response.

"And then," Dorian finished, taking a head count. "It's Josie, Penelope and Nol-"

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