Summons Of Fire & Wind

184 2 7

A/N: Apologies for the lengthy update (4500 words plus, whew!)
But I promise that this chapter AND the wholesome Pedro content will be worth it ;)
Also, all words spoken with "<  >" around it mean that the dialogue is in Japanese... 

"Alright, little man, final question."

Noel's words stoked a fire of determination within Pedro's eyes, the child staring at his elder intently.

The two witches had been sitting in the kitchens for almost two hours now, mulling over some fractions work from Pedro's math class. Each correct answer earned Pedro some hearty praise and a giant cookie; generously 'donated' by the Salvatore School's pantry.

Two fractions pages and three cookie boxes later, Pedro was well on his way to becoming a maths prodigy.

Turns out baked goods and sweets do wonders for Maths Anxiety.

But Noel digressed.

The witch slid three medium-sized cookies across the metal tabletop, tapping a black, polished fingernail on the open page. Of the forty practice questions they had gone through, only three remained.

"Your move, Pedro."

Noel smirked and folded his arms as Pedro looked at the page, his little nose scrunched and his eyes narrowed with focus.

So adorable. Noel thought warmly.

After a moment's pause, Pedro scribbled his answer into the book, holding it up to Noel with expectant eyes:

"3/1," Noel read aloud. "Equals 3. Correct."

Noel acknowledged the rightmost of the three cookies. Pedro quickly snatched it up into his hands and nibbled at it like a mouse with a cube of cheese.

"Next one." Noel instructed.

Pedro finished the cookie and looked down at the page, again taking a moment before answering:

"46/12," Noel read. "Becomes 23/6. And what sort of fraction are we left with?"

"An im-popper fraction." Pedro murmured, his feet swinging underneath his stool. "That's when the number on the top is bigger than the bottom one."

"Very good." Noel praised. "But remember, it's called an improper fraction, okay? Im. Prop. Er. Got it?"

Pedro nodded affirmatively as Noel handed him the second cookie, grinning like a Cheshire Cat as Pedro ate it within two bites.

And now, only one question remained:

"15/6," Noel smirked. "Think you can handle it, little man?"

"Yes!" Pedro pouted, folding his arms in a huff.

Noel laughed under his breath as Pedro wrote his final answer:

"15/6 becomes 2 and 3/6. Good."

Pedro's smile gleamed brighter than the Sun, the youth reaching for the last cookie...

...But Noel drew it back, wiggling a disapproving finger.

"...But not quite good enough."

Pedro raised his eyebrows, looking at Noel as if he had suffered the most unspeakable of betrayals. He glanced at the cookie, then to Noel, down at the page and then right back to Noel - his puppy-dog eyes in full-effect.

"Hey, don't look at me like that." Noel sighed. "The answer is right, but something's missing."

"What?" Pedro asked.

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