Losses, Lizzie and 'Like'- Likes

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A/N: (PENELOPE PARK) Whoop, Whoop! Thanks for all the support, witches! 
We've reached almost three-hundred reads! Still got this chapter to get through, but story is gonna come in swinging next chapter! :o

Special shout-out to Meagz56 and suginth for their support! <3  

The flames flickered on the cemetery's old stone floor, licking the weathered effigies and tombstones with their white-hot heat.

The burst of magic energy had been as terrible as it had been unseen; springing forth from practically nowhere and blanketing the entire area in ivory flames.

Miraculously, no-one had been harmed. Through some act of ancestral protection, providence or sheer luck, each of the witches got away unharmed.

Except for the little boy.

A child lay in the centre of the chaos, face-down on the worn cobblestones.

Thirty witches emerged from their hiding places, peering over the tombstones, alcoves and crypt walls to assess the boy's condition.

Was he dead? Surely no-one could have survived that!

But the boy started to stir, whimpering as the seared skin on his arms rubbed against the dead grass and stone beneath him.

He got to his knees, his vision blurred as the flames began to snuff themselves out.

"Nolan?" a voice asked.

The boy turned around as a man emerged from the crowd, staring at the child in disbelief.

"...Daddy?" he asked weakly. "W-What...happened?"

But the man said nothing, his dark features stricken with panic as he beheld an unseen thing behind Nolans' little form.

"Nolan..." he repeated, his voice shaky. "What the hell...have you done?"


Noel's eyes flashed open, the boy drawing a sharp breath as he woke.

An alarm clock chirped incessantly on his bedside table, rattling on its silver, pin-sized legs until Noel swatted it's top.


The boy rolled over in bed, pinching the bridge of his nose as the dream lingered in his mind.

Ugh, he thought drearily. Nothing like a bad memory to start the day.

He kicked off his checkered black comforter and sat upright, the chilly morning air tickling his naked torso. Noel ignored it and staggered into the bathroom, washing away his grogginess with some splashes of hot water.

As the water trickled down his chin, more memories flooded his mind - recollections of the day before.

...It happened again. He lost control.

God, that was the third time in the last five months. When was it going to end?

Noel sighed, looking at his reflection in the basin mirror.

His skin was a dry, icy-white, like a weathered marble statue, with faint bluish-red bags under his eyes. The boy's hair wasn't faring any better, dangling in thin bangs down the front of his forehead, the tips a frosty white.

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