"Ah Mr Potter, I was hoping to find you here." Professor McGonagal smiled as she approached Harry, who was eating lunch in the great hall."Uh... Ok? What did you need Professor?" Harry put his fork down, trying to be polite.
"The first and second years are going on a trip, I'm sure you've heard."
"Yes? What's it gotta do with me?"
"We need more people to Chaperon, and by people Mr Potter, we mean you." She stated.
"..Right. Alright. Uh, were is the trip exactly?" Harry asked
"It's to a famous quidditch pitch I believe you've heard of it - Puddlemere United."
"I've heard of it!" That was an understatement, Harry was a huge fan, so naturally, he'd been to see their games once or twice (maybe eighty percent of their games this year). "I'll help chaperone! Uh can Sirius come too?" He knew Sirius was also a huge fan, he was a even bigger fan than Harry!
"Of coarse he can!" Professor McGonagal was delighted to have more chaperones, "We're going a week tomorrow, eight am sharp! Get Sirius's answer soon and come tell me as soon as possible. Goodbye Mr Potter." She walked back up to the teachers table.
"Harry you lucky bastard!" Ron slapped his back, " Puddlemere United is your favourite team! YOUR SO LUCKY!"
"Harry," Hermione looked at him kindly, "I'm pretty sure Sirius will want to go. It is his favourite team after all, plus it's another excuse to spend time with you! You know how much he adores spending time with his 'wittle godson'."
"Thanks 'mione."
Professor McGonagal has asked me if I could help chaperone the trip for the first and second years. But guess what! It's to Puddlemere United's pitch!! I told her you help. You will, right?
P.S it's a week on Sunday so the 18th. Be here around 7am
I WILL BE THERE!!! See you Sunday!!! Even though it means getting up before 12.
Paddy xx
"He's coming Professor!" Harry exclaimed as he walked into the headmistress's office.
"Good. You did tell him to be here at sevenish right."
"...I think so. Wait no. I know so!" Harry mumbled. "But knowing Sirius he'll be a bit late." He added.
"Yes I figured that. He and your dad were late to nearly all there detentions." She smiled at the memory.
Harry smiled, he loved learning things about parents, even the stupid stuff - even though that was normally the funniest parts.
Later that night, as Harry was walking down the halls going to dinner, he got stopped by Malfoy. His boyfriend.
"Is it true!" Malfoy asked excitedly, "are you actually chaperoning the Puddlemere United trip too!"

Drarry one-shots (some are just random Harry Potter related one-shots)
FanfictionIMPORTANT!! These first oneshots aren't the best, so skip them if you so please. Don't let them fool you as my writing does improve over time. Just some cute drarry one shots. Not all of them are strictly based on drarry, some are just random Harry...