These first oneshots aren't the best, so skip them if you so please. Don't let them fool you as my writing does improve over time.
Just some cute drarry one shots. Not all of them are strictly based on drarry, some are just random Harry...
Christmas special! Also did I start writing this in october just so it would be out on time? Yes, yes I did.
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas. What an interesting time. The favoured holiday. The coldest time in Britain. The time for family to come together. Well, that was something Harry didn't have but that doesn't bother him anymore. He hasn't even thought about it this year. Why? Well, because this year is the first Christmas he would be spending with his boyfriend. Draco Malfoy.
He was walking around in the snow, looking for the perfect gift, for his perfect git. Last year he had bought Draco a ferret plushie, but this was before they had moved in together. 'This year,' Harry thought. 'Needsto be special,' And of course he was right. This year he was going to propose, but that wouldn't be until dinner and it would be suspicious if he didn't give Draco a gift in the morning.
Then he saw it. It was perfect. It was silver and shiny, with light blue to highlight it all. The flower crown looked light and elegant. Every single bit reminded Harry of his boyfriend. Draco would love it!
Harry walked into the shop and asked the cashier about it. They told Harry the price (which was thirty pounds). He thought it was under priced but didn't say anything. A bargain was a bargain. Maybe the cashier let him have it simply because he was Harry Potter, the saviour of the wizarding world. Or maybe that was the genuine price. Harry may never know. But that didn't stop him for thanking the cashier and waving as he left.
He stopped by a small bookshop to say hello to Hermione. She worked there, you see. It's not as if Harry just knew he'd find Hermione in a random bookshop. Though there was a pretty big chance of that happening too. He found Hermione talking to a small child, who seemed to be telling her about a book he'd read recently.
"-and then a huge chair came down and smashed the minotaur!" He said in a flood of words. "Then the princess cut of her head and fed it to her Dragon Billie!"
Hermione smiled, "sound great!" She looked up and noticed Harry. "Oh, hello." Harry waved back. The young boy looked up at Harry, awestruck. Harry smiled at him.
Harry put his bag down on the floor, "by the way mione, I bought Dracos Christmas present and was wondering if you thought it would okay." He rummaged around until he found it. "Here," he said as he handed it to Hermione.
Her eyes widened in excitement as she examined it. "This....this is perfect." She smiled fondly, then frowned in confusion. "But what about," she leaned in and whispered. "The ring?" She didn't expect a proper response but she at least wanted to know whether or not it was going on. 'It' being harry proposing, of course.
Harry grinned. "Oh that's still happening." He looked around. "Hey, do you have the new marauders biography? The one by, uh whats-its-name..."
"Jane McKinnon?"
"That's the one!"
Hermione shook her head. "I'm sorry, no." In reality they had got that book last week but Hermione promised to leave one aside for Draco.
Christmas came faster than Harry had intended. He was woken bright and early by his excited boyfriend. He was so excited he didn't get changed nor fix his hair before dragging Harry downstairs for breakfast.
Harry poured some Frosties into two bowls as he listened to Draco go on about some tea at his work. Apparently someone's brother had switched their reading glasses with snake venom covered glasses.
"What's his name?"
"Eric Jackson...think he said his brother was called Eugene." Draco replied putting his bowl away.
Harry laughed. "He's an auror."
Draco gaped. "No way!" He turned around the tree and picked up a perfectly wrapped box. "For you."
Harry carefully took it from his beloved ferret and wasted no time in getting the wrapping off. It was a book. He flipped it around so he could see the front cover.
"Mischief Managed," He read. "By Jane McKinnon. A book about the trouble some marauders." He looked up at Draco. "You...thank you!" He put the book down and gave Draco a tight hug.
"Woah, woah." Draco said. "Let me breath."
(Wonder when hes said that before? 😏)
Harry laughed as he went to grab his first present for Draco. He gently grabbed the small rectangular box he had wrapped the night before, "here."
Draco sat on the table and worked on carefully unwrapping it. Taking care to make sure that there wasn't a single tear. He was that type of person. The complete opposite of his boyfriend.
Draco gasped as he opened the lid. "Woah, darling." He turned the silver flower crown in his hands. "Its....amazing." He placed it on his head. "Thank you so, so much."
The rest of the day passed in a blur of laughter and joy. But that's not what you, dear reader, care about. Is it?
At dinner Draco praised Harry's food after every bite. Which made it incredibly hard for Hermione to finish telling her story.
Ron glanced over to Harry. Harry nodded. "So!" Ron said, "Malf- Draco, sorry, what is it you work as?"
Draco turned to face Ron, giving harry the chance to sneak out of his seat and get down on one knee.
"Healer," Draco replied. "Mostly the potion side of stuff - Potter what the hell are you do....." he trailed off.
Harry took Dracos hand. "Draco Malfoy," Draco gasped. "I knew from the moment I saw in Madam Malkins I had hope. Hope for a future, though at the time I was confused. I thought it was only a friendship I was looking for. But, no." Dracos eyes started to water. "Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"
"Yes!" Draco cried. "Yes. Yes!" Harry put the ring on Dracos ring finger, kissing it. Draco grabbed Harry's face.
"And then a huge-
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Also I apologise, I'm not good with sappy stuff.
Have a merry christmas!
And for those who don't celebrate Christmas, have a cookie!