Late nights working

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Harry sighed as he finished his dinner. Draco wouldn't be home until after midnight. Again. This wasn't the main problem, the main problem was that Harry and Draco had a very clingy toddler. His name's James Sirius Potter-Malfoy. While naming him Harry had asked Draco for middle name suggestions, Draco told him he didn't want any from his family. He then said Sirius was an exception.

"Daddy?" James asked, trying to stab one of his dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets with his baby fork.

"Yes baby?"

"I'm no' a baby!" James giggled.

Harry ruffled his sons hair. "If you say so."

James pouted. "Me being serious!"

"Well yes, it is your middle name after all." Harry chuckled to himself.

"Tha' wasn't funny." James told him.

Harry shook his head and picked up his sons empty plate, putting it by the sink. "How 'bout we go watch some T.V?" He suggested.

"Yeah!" James exclaimed, running as fast as his little toddler legs could carry him, towards the couch. "T.V! T.V!" He chanted.

Harry chuckled as he turned the television (I'm so fancy XD) on and chose a channel.

"Spongebob, pretty please!"



:3 time skip (an hour or so)

"Daddy? When will Papa be home?" James asked as Harry layed out his pyjamas.

"Not 'till after midnight, baby." Harry said.

James pouted, "I told you I'm no' a baby!" James laughed as Harry ticked his stomach.

"You're not?" Harry questioned. "If you're not a baby then you should be able to stay awake until Papa comes back."

"Dats easy." James flapped his hand about, as of to say what he had just said.

Harry laughed at his sons antics. "If you say so."

Harry helped James into his pyjamas. They were ones that Draco had bought him thinking it would annoy Harry - it was Harry Potter merch. In all honesty Harry found it quite hilarious and James seemed to be proud of them. That really backfired on Draco.

There was also a giant poster of the golden trio - that someone had painted for Harry - hanging on James's door. He claimed that it helped him calm down when his Dad was on a Auror mission.

Once fully dressed (in his pyjamas) James looked up at Harry and made grabby hands. "Up! Up!" Harry picked him up in one swift movement and placed him on his hip. James giggled as Harry spun around in a circle.

A few hours when by, full of giggles and silly impressions of family members and celebrities. Draco should be home in around thirty minutes, and knowing draco, hed be quite angry at Harry for letting James stay up.

"I'm sorry Daddy," James apologised out of the blue, with a yawn. "I can't stay awake fo' Papa."

Harry stroked his hair. "Its okay, want to go to bed?"

James climbed onto Harry's lap and cuddled into him. "I sleep here. Goodnight Daddy."

Harry smiled fondly, "Night." He stroked James's hair until he fell asleep and effectively Harry too.

Forty minutes later

Draco opened the front door as quietly as possible, hoping not disturb anyone. Slowly and silently he slipped of his jacket and placed his bag on the hanger. He walked into the kitchen to get a glass of milk, going past the living room in the process. He stopped at the couch, looking at his sleeping family.

"You idiots," he muttered as he picked a blanket up and put it over them.

He tiptoed over to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with milk, downing it rather quickly. After putting the glass back he went back into the living room and snuggled up next to harry.

"Papa?" James whispered as Dravo moved the blanket slightly.

"Shh," Draco muttered. "Go back to sleep, Love."

James nodded. "Love you Papa." Draco smiled. "Love you too."

Is the ending rushed? Not intentionally, oops.


Drarry one-shots (some are just random Harry Potter related one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now