Chapter Fifteen

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The Superstar's Autograph
_Chapter Fifteen

[ Dedicated to Those People Who Unfollowed Me. You all broke my non-existent heart. Haha. I'm just kidding. I have a heart, okay?]

P.S. I edited this...I think.

Credits to the original owner of this song above.


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"Dad, you don't pay me enough to do that." I licked the daubed of ice cream off my spoon that was on my strong grip and continued. "And I don't think that I can convince Wang Yibo to work with us."

Saying his name was something I wouldn't want to do to this day and to the other and to the next. I just want to have a loss of memory and forget all about him because what he was doing to my brain and body made me craved for my old self. The Xiao Zhan that was whipped up, in loved with his girlfriend with an objective in mind that he'll make her the happiest bride someday but after that man's path intersected with mine, it tumbledown the balance I tried to maintain. We both have similar gender; we were in an alike species. We're boys, guys, men and males...

Then why did I run and have that clandestine rendezvous with him? Why did I let him kiss me and do me on my bed?! Because we were horny? No. Because I missed Zoey? No. BECAUSE I LOVED HIM!!! I WON'T REPUDIATE OR DENY IT NOW, I LOVED HIM... I LOVED WANG THE SUPERSTAR YIBO!!! YET I CAN'T LOVE HIM WHEN I AM STILL IN LOVE WITH ZOEY!!!

I brushed my sight to the small frame that was on the table beside my bed, it has a picture of a smiling girl, my girlfriend. It was taken back after she conceded me as her boyfriend. We had a great time together.

"Son, are you alright?" That's the only words I wanted to hear from my father, bullets of tears soared out from my already puffy and swelling eyes. My mouth was producing sounds I couldn't set my mind into.

"Dad...I love him..." My voice was shaky and at the end of it, I wept at full volume.

There was stillness...Silence...In the other line...

I curled into a ball beseeching the ache would be gone if I unchained it.

"Xiao Zhan, if you love him then tell him. But what about your girlfriend? You are in love with her." Its not an interrogative sentence, it's a declarative. Truth. Not opinion or argumentative topic to discuss with comprehensive awareness and high cognizance.

"You can't divide your heart and give those halves to the both of them. Zhan, if you don't want to hurt any of them, you have to choose. I know you'll choose THAT ONE anyway so no need to tell me." He noiselessly laughed.

My father kindled my curiosity, my breath ceased for a fleeting moment. "Who would I choose?"

"Zhan, my little boy, if you love two people at the same time, choose the second. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second."

"Dad... you just quoted Johnny Depp..." I had the desire to snicker at his silliness. "Are you perhaps watching Pirates of the Caribbean while calculating and resolving our company's difficulties?"

"Yes, I am currently viewing that movie and Johnny Depp's correct. He didn't say that to this film but in real life interview he did." Way to go, CEO.

"Dad, Zoey or Yibo?" I patently closed my eyes. Feeling the flushed on my cheeks burst as soon as I articulated the last name aloud.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, ZOEY AND YIBO?! WANG YIBO?! THE WANG YIBO?! YIBO WANG?! WANG YIBO?! WANG YIBO?! YOU LOVED HIM?! THAT GUY?!" Seriously, is he the patriarchal leader of our family? No way! He's the dog.

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