Chapter Twenty

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The Superstar’s Autograph
_Chapter Twenty

Credits to the original owner of this wonderful video above. 

Should I put this story under mature content? No. I won’t and no reading this won’t make you a sinner.

P.S. Wow. I’m surprised with my own characters too. READ AT YOUR RISK.


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He scuttled to the range of my sight and pressed his forehead on mine. “I am not requiring you to do it. There’s a right time for that.” He smooched my cheeks with his lips and sensibly traced my face with his fingertips. “You are not prepared to any of this.” True. I’ve never given someone an oral sex before. Yes, sometimes I make-out with Zoey before he came along but we didn’t go that far or do similar to this kind of impulsive pursuit, betting what we had on the streak of uncertainty. 

I felt my skin contract, like the skin on a burn victim of wildfire. I’m flustered by that simple act. My subconscious was overwhelmed. How in the world this kind of man exists?! He’s too decent, respectable and virtuous. Imprinted by angels’ genetic material and twenty-three sets of chromosomes. His parents must be so proud of him. Their son grew to be a good-natured gentleman. They nurtured him very well.

“Where’s your bedroom? We’ll sleep there.” He said as he put on his clothes back and lend a hand with mine. I seated myself while he did it, my feet dangled to the air.

I scratched my nape. Recollecting whatever thoughts, I sent out during Yibo and I ‘interaction’. “Second floor…Yibo…I needed you to do me with those filthy things you knew in bed. I missed the feeling of your hands, ripping and stretching me…”

He compelled a smile but the effort faded quickly, replaced by concupiscence. Yibo leaped off the island. “You’re not going to be able to move tomorrow after I’m finished with you tonight so let’s save more of that for Korea.”

“What would I do to that place? I don’t know anything about Korean culture and I’m bad at speaking their language and I am a student!!!” Korea, a country in East Asia with population of 51 point something million and kimchi was the only food I am keen of. 

“Your dad didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me what?” I alleged with tense jaw.

“He’d talked to the university’s admins and professors. They agreed that you’ll be sent off to Korea as an exchange student for two months. While doing that, you have to win me over to become your company’s ambassador. Believe me babe, I am not easily drawn unless you are Xiao Zhan.”

Existential crisis bore to my brain and the choir of rout commenced. “Why not take a day off? For being you.”

“There. You’re angry at me again.” 

I pledged that if ever I’ll have a relationship with him, I’ll get the girl role. God. I’m so ill-fated. “Why don’t you just accept our offer and be done with it. I have a wedding to organize with my girlfriend.”

“You are such a con artist, Zhan. She’s your fiancée, remember that. And I don’t know why Zoey fell in love with you, you were incompatible.” His voice deepened, his eyes, a slate of enigma, searching into me.

That shushed us both.

In short-lived minutes, we didn’t ignite a conversation, he rooted his feet on the floor and I bonded myself to where I am, above the kitchen’s freestanding piece of handiwork. No words. Only our eyes fused.

He’d always be my first, and there was no getting past it. I don’t know if I was also his, alternatively I’ll love him even at the end of this we won’t be with each other, that happy endings paragraphs were scarcely forge for us.

Yibo, I will never forget the moment I realized I loved you… If only goodbyes only meant for tomorrow and not for forever…and if only I could pick you…I would, with no averseness and diffidence.

I shut my eyes, bringing the impending tears back to its crate.  “Yibo, I’m sorry. I regretted it. The kiss at the backstage, the flirting, the motorcycle and Chevy rides, the ice creams, the dancing on the creek, the piano song I played for you, and everything that reminded me of how much I have loved you. Fulfill my wish, let’s finish whatever we have right now.” I had to turn myself in, I had to select between him and Zoey.

I looked at him. I'm so sorry...Forgive me...

He lowered his head gathering a shadow in the darkness, stood motionless he then looked to the ground which has splashed of liquid dripping from his tear ducts. “Yes. We are done. I won’t bother you again. I’ve already harmed you enough. I cared Zhan. For you.” It wasn’t a declaration of love but it was the most affectionate thing he’d ever said and I carried it to my heart.

“I picked Zoey…” To erase the totality of what had happened to the once in a lifetime fairy tale we shared, Yibo, you and I should move on.

And then in a deeper, thicker tone he exhaled out. “I know.”

The evident tears in his eyes was crushing, exsiccated squeezing my blood, stabbing my heart, mind and soul.

“The hardest part about walking away from someone is the part where you realize that, no matter how slowly you go, they’ll never run after you...By the way, what I wrote on your hoodie was…Please love me and fight for me…Stop breaking me. I am a person too.” 

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The last statement from Yibo is ordinary but I cried so much because of it. After this chapter, you’ll see different side of me as an author. Haha. This is difficult to write, doubting to publish this chapter or not with readers hating me in my mind. Whew.

[Wrong grammars and English usage errors. I'll edit this work soon.]


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