Chapter One

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The Superstar's Autograph
_Chapter One


Book 1:
The Superstar's Autograph
- Xiao Zhan's POV

Continuation of Book 1:
The Superstar's Addiction
- Muti-POVs

Book 2:
The Superstar's Husband
- Wang Yibo's POV

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Xiao Zhan's POV

I took another sipped from my green tea cream frap and looked out to the bustling people outside of Starbucks shop window. The white flakes of snow falling, the lampposts with yellowish and orange light illuminated the streets and smiling children wearing colorful sweaters made everything magical.

How I wish I can enjoy the snow without thinking my university works...

I brushed the thought's off and scratched my head as I brought my attention back to my laptop with an unfinished document on Microsoft Word and to the sprawled things on the table in front of me. Notepads, books, ballpoints pens, different coloured highlighters, folders with photocopies, printed papers and notebooks with my notes during lectures.

I put on my earphones that connected to my MacBook Air and clicked that specific playlist I've been listening for ages. The continous songs played at the background of my mind and I started to type my research again.

Being one of those medical students in the world, I am pressured to work harder than I've ever worked in my life but its all great, I'll got a loving and goddess-like girlfriend anyway that made the loads more bearable.

I smiled as I envisioned my girlfriends face.

"Xiao Zhan!'re still working on that? Its already past 7 PM, I thought the deadline was next month. It is 8th today, you've got plenty of time until your presentation." A hand removed the earphone from my left ear.

I paused my music and sighed under my breath, "I have to spend practical classes and attend great number of advance lectures for my course this month and I need to study for my exams, I don't think I can finish this research if I won't spare any time to it even in my breaks."

My only best friend named Gu Jia Cheng also known as Jason sat beside me and guzzled his nitro cold brew float and turned to face me.

He took notice of the bags and dark circles under my eyes. "You look like a zombie, you didn't sleep did you? I told you to get some little rest, man. Wait, don't tell me your girlfriend disturbed your sleep last night again and talked your ears off about some stupid things."

I grunted,"Zoey called me at 12 AM and didn't stop talking about that current celebrity dude she's been obsessing with until 3 AM. I didn't go back to sleep after that and I spent this day, exhausted and sleepy."

"You're so much in love." Jia Cheng snorted, "And you listened to what she said?"

"Yeah. I guess." The truth was I didn't get anything from what she said earlier, my monotone responds are "Hmm." "Yeah?" "Mhm?" and "Nice." I don't really care about her obsessions with celebrities, Luis Vuitton, Dior, Armani, Gucci and Channel as long as she can keep me happy and make everyday a holiday during our make out sessions, I'm cool with it.

"Gees, you really loved this girl. Really really loved this girl." He repeated the sentence.

"Yes. I loved her so much." I don't care about what people think of me now or how romantic, soppy, and cliché it may sound but I want Zoey to stay in my life. For eternity if possible.

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