Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The Superstar's Autograph
_Chapter Twenty-Seven

[ Dedicated to those readers who chose to stay even others ran, I owe you one, you are brave, my little wolf. ] 


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It's an underestimation of adversity in its opulent state if I'd say that my world shattered in three thousand five hundred pieces after what I did to Yibo...No, it didn't smash to smithereens and lacerate my fingers in the process, what I'd picked to do for him, burned it; first degree, onto cinders and glided with the North cold wind of winter. Forgotten. I doused water to my candle's light; I am in darkness, I am homeless; I lost my home...Wang Yibo. At first I thought I had a microcosm that was far from him and we shouldn't cross the caution line which separate me from his own realm. I am mistaken. After meeting him, he grew to be my all. He is my world.

I brawled with misperception, the confusion of my own feelings yet I couldn't surmount the fight to be on my side for reality always struck my toes and cut me thrice.

I had a strategy, a technique to correct all my faults with him but now I don't...I don't know what to do...but to go...I had a fiancé who were waiting for me to complete my vow and he had everything to make his future bright. At present, the dread I am trying to struggle was stronger than I am, with that article denotated in the internet everybody now knew that the only child of a titan company's CEO was having an affair with a superstar in the greatest acme of his life...I had no bravery to tear it to grime and filth. For him I could situate the lifetime I had for ransom exchange of his fame.

What should I do with you Yibo?

"Suho, can we buy cheeseburgers on the way to the penthouse? I want to eat chocolate ice cream, oh cookies and cream flavor too." I asked him to rent a penthouse and he found one as speedy as my order emitted out from my mouth. The address localized near Seoul train station and the drive was nowhere than a death march.

"That would be all, sir?" My father's assistant verified using the rearview mirror of the vehicle. He was driving the black Polestar that my dad cast here in Korea, the one I used to go in the club.

"Yeah." I disconnected my advertency from the edifices and emporiums outside the tinted window. "You said, Yibo called you to fetch me from his apartment. Did you ride a cab or something?"

"Yes sir..."

Hmmm. "Hey, don't you think I am coldblooded, merciless and heartless for doing this? Like again and again I am hurting him."

"I am not in the position to say this sir but you don't need food this time but Yibo. You are scurrying away from your true feelings. You love him, more than anyone else."

"That's the single path to take for him to keep his job; I don't want him to undergo the torture and torment of backlash and severe judgments of everyone just because I'm in love with him."

"Sir, you are not the only one who loves him, he loves you too. Mutual."

"I'll get over it." In a sudden lack of thoughts, the black leather of the driver's seat in front of me unexpectedly looked interesting because I goggled at it gormlessly.

"What if you'll never get over him and him to you? Sir, who is going love him if you don't? Who is going to take care of his heart? Who is going to be there when blackness starts to ingest him? Who is going to make him smile? If not you, who?"

"His loyal fans..." I garbled my phrase, taking no notice of the outpouring headache. "People are convicting him to be gay...I am afraid he'll suffer the loss of his fans thanks to me."

"Fans will come and go. Someday they will get bored of him and find another idol to be obsessed with. They are there because he is famous, at least for a moment. Fans are temporary. Not for forever. Sir, picture in your mind, there are millions and billions of living human beings on earth then one day, you are given a chance to meet that person who is willing to be with you until you both turn gray and old through mayhem, anarchy, utopia and nirvana, Sir Zhan that's the truest form of love, a counterpart of unconditional love!" He exclaimed ecstatically.

In a gruff speech, I barred him off, "Pay attention to the road."

"Yes, sir."

There were minor numbers of cars whooshing by intermittently along the highway. Suho was a decent driver; he knew exactly when to brake, to accelerate or decelerate like he had driven this freeway for ages but in fact, he drove slow. He turned to a deserted street and five minutes through a lane where only transportations such as cars could fit, we achieved to reach Burger King. He purchased my food then started the engine and swung us back to the main road.

"Suho, where are the ice cream?" I foraged to the paper bag; he bought five cheeseburgers and a large coke.

"I'll drop you to hi-there."


A brief silence in his side and he responded, "What? Uh..Sir, what are the flavors you want to eat again?"

"Cookies and cream, chocolate."

"Coming right up." He chirruped resplendently.

"Thanks for these." I broached my appreciation and feasted with the junk food. I knew that burgers couldn't lessen stress but I am entreating it would do its thaumaturgy.

"You are welcome, sir."

Thirty minutes later, the Polestar stopped and Suho opened the passenger's door for me. I got out and looked at the building where he dropped me to buy ice cream. The air on my lungs jelled and deflagrated to flames. I pulled my lips together, sucking it to prevent myself from screeching vulgar language a Chinese person can do.

"SUHOOO!!!" I shouted wrathfully at him but he was already meters away from me, leaving me with my baggage and my backpack on the snowed ground.


He popped his head out from the window of the car, "This is my revenge to you for running away from the airport sir! Your cellphone, laptop and wallet are in my hands! So, you can't go anywhere without asking help from Wang Yibo! Patch things up with him, sir! Bye Bye!"


"By the way sir, I cancelled Meng Zoey's travel papers! Your dad emailed a letter, read it later!" That was his last threat and gone nonextant in my view.

How can I read them when my phone is not here with me?! You  scoundrel!!!

I desperately kicked my suitcase and mounted it. SUHO YOU PRICK!!!

Help me...I looked up at the sky which was presently heavily leaden and like a curse the snow fell on my shoulders making me jumped up. If I stay here, Ill freeze...I tugged my belongings to Yibo's floor.

I'm out of my mind...I'm out of my mind...Zhan you got this! Hwaiting!

I swallowed back and about to knock when the door creaked; somebody inside plucked it to him.


"Leave." Wang Yibo slammed the wooden barrier shut, chaining it from my stupidity.

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Wrong grammars and English usage errors in this story. Please inform me about it.


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