Imagine #6 - Haunted Dreams

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Imagine Kylo having a bad dream and you're there to comfort him.

Nights with Kylo were usually calm.

We would sleep soundly through the night.

Usually cuddled up in each others arms.

Tonight unfortunately was different.

I had woken up in the middle of the night.

I lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling for a moment.

I look over at my sleeping husband.

Kylo sleeps peacefully beside me.

He's laying on his side,facing me.

His hair is covering part of his face.

I reach over slowly to move his hair out his face, gently stroking his cheek in the process.

His face scrunches up  and he rolls over, moving away from me.

He rolls over again, towards me again, this time he let out a slight groan in his sleep.

His face scrunches up again and tears start to stream down his face.

He was having a nightmare.

I lean over him on the bed, placing a hand gently on his shoulder.

"Kylo, wake up" I whisper.

Kylo groans again and more tears flow down his face.

"I'm" Kylo stutters in his sleep.

His voice breaking when he says forgive me.

"Kylo, please wake up love" I whisper again, this time I scoot in closer to him and I pull him against my chest.

His head resting on my shoulder and one of his arms draped over my torso.

I kiss his forehead and run my fingers through his hair as I hold him, crying in my arms.

He was still asleep.

"Please wake up Kylo, it'll all be over if you wake up love" I whisper against his hair.

I feel his arm wrap tightly around me, as he continues to cry against my shoulder.

A few minutes later

Kylo jolts awake, he jumped slightly then he laid stiffly on the bed then he realized where he was.

His breathing was heavy at first but it slowed and his body relaxed against mine.

"I'm sorry" he breathed.

"Don't apologize love, you were having a nightmare" I say lowly.

I run my fingers through his hair, trying to keep him calm.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask.

Kylo's weight shifts off of me and he sits up right on the bed, taking my hand in his.

"I dreamed that they wouldn't forgive me..." Kylo trails off.

"Who wouldn't forgive you?" I question.

"My Mother and father...and my...uncle" he stuttered.

I squeeze Kylo's hand and he looks up at me.

"They, wouldn't forgive me for what I've done, my mother was blaming me for killing my father and my uncle wouldn't stop taunting me about it. He kept asking me why I did it and telling me that it was my fault, not Snokes influence" he blurted out, his eyes starting to water.

"Kylo, it was just a dream, snoke manipulated you, he was using you. Your family will always care about you, no matter what you've done. They'll forgive you because they love you, like I love you" I reassure him and I reach up to wipe the tears from his eyes.

Brushing my fingers across his face gently, he leans into my touch and closes his eyes.

He leans down and kisses the palm of my hand and I bring it up to his cheek.

"I love you too. I just wish I could go back and fix things with my family. I never wanted this to happen. I constantly feel guilty for everything and it takes so much out of me, I feel as if any moment the first order will parish because I can't do what needs to be done, I can't focus" Kylo rambles slightly.

I place both of my hands against his tear stained checks and pull him closer to me.

He's now looking directly into my eyes as I speak to him.

"Kylo, it's okay love. It was just a dream. I know it's bothering you but it was just a dream. You have these doubts but you have nothing to worry about. I'm here for you, and I will continue to do that for you, if you'll let me" I whisper to him.

"What did I do to deserve you?, your incredible. Better than anything in this whole galaxy. I get to have you by my side everyday" he says gently.

I smile at him and I pull him in for a tight hug, his arms wrapping securely around my waist.

When I pull away he kisses my forehead.

"I love you" he whispers.

"I love you too" I reply.

"We can try and go back to sleep" Kylo states.

"Yeah we can, are you gonna be okay?" I reply as I lay back on my side of the bed and Kylo follows.

"I have you here with me, I'll be okay" he answers.

As I rest my head against the pillows, Kylo lays against my shoulder. His face nuzzled into my neck.

His arms wrap around my torso, bringing me against his chest.

I wrap my arms around him, holding him in my arms.

"Sleep well my love" I whisper against Kylo's hair and I kiss his forehead.

"Goodnight my Queen" he whispers against my neck, his breath slightly tickling me.

Kylo pressed a light kiss on my neck before he laid his head back on my shoulder and relaxed in my arms.

It wasn't long till he was asleep, his breathing was slow and he was calm.

I ran my fingers gently through his hair and kissed his forehead, repeating this motion every now and then.

I didn't want him to have another nightmare so I did whatever I could to keep him at a calm state in his sleep.

I was starting to get tired when I felt Kylo's arms wrap around me, giving me a light squeeze, I smile at the loving gesture.

Not long after that I fell asleep with my head leaning on his and he was cuddled up with me.

Cuddly Kylo, that's what we all want. I kinda feel bad for what I made his nightmare be about but I also feel that it adds to his character more and his emotions on specific things. I hope you all enjoyed this one. Thank you for reading!! And may the force be with you!!!

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