Inagine #8 - Why i feel this way

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Imagine Kylo telling you he loves you for the first time.

"Ben...sorry...Kylo. I can't read your mind, I don't know what's going on with you" I sigh frustratedly.

Kylo had been distant from me the past couple of days.

I haven't seen him in a week, he'd go out on missions and wouldn't tell me. He would usually let me know.

I wanted to give him his time to himself but it bothered me that he wasn't talking to me.

I'm his girlfriend after all.

We've been together for almost a year now and have been through so much together.

I just felt it was strange that he had started to distance himself from me.

"I'm sorry y/n, I don't want to talk about it right now, I have a meeting to attend to. We can talk about this after. I'm sorry" Kylo says lowly.

I let out a sigh in frustration as Kylo leaves our room.

The door closes with a slight thud and I rake my fingers through my hair.

"What is going on with you Kylo?" I whisper to myself.

I go across our room and lay down on the bed, leaning against the headboard as I cover my face with my hands.

I was hoping that Kylo would come back soon, and that he would actually talk to me about what was going on with him.

An hour later

The sound of the door sliding open wakes me from my sleep.

My eyes flutter open slowly as I watch Kylo walk in, wearing his mask.

He reaches up to remove it, the slight humming sound coming from it.

As he pulls the mask from his face, his hair falls freely against his face.

"The meeting went longer than expected, I apologize" Kylo says, his voice sounding shaky.

"It's alright Kylo" I say firmly and  he gives me a look.

"You're upset with me"

"I'm not upset with you Kylo, I just want to know what's been going on with you lately, you've been distant" I say lowly.

Kylo's eyes soften as I said this, he places his mask down on a small table by the door. He removes his cape and hangs it up in his wardrobe then he sits next to me on the bed. He holds my hand gently in his.

"I'm so sorry, y/n. I didn't mean for it to seem that I was pulling away from you. There's just something that I've been wanting to tell you...I just don't know if it's the right time to tell you right now"

"You know that you can tell me anything Kylo, what is it" I ask.

"I love you" Kylo says under his breath.

I look up at him, the words making my heart skip a beat and a smile immediately forming on my lips.

"I love you too Kylo" I say as I place my hands  to his face, he looks lovingly into my eyes as I run my hand through this hair and the other still on his cheek.

"You love me?"

"of course I do Kylo, I love you so much"

As I said that Kylo scoops me off of the bed and into his arms.

He gently spins me around as he holds me to his chest.

When he stops, he presses a kiss to my forehead.

He sits us both down on our bed and I stay in his arms as he holds me to his chest.

I listen to the steady sound of his heartbeat as we lay there in silence together.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier Kylo?" I blurt out, breaking the silence.

Kylo takes a deep breath before he answers.

"I didn't know how you would react, I didn't think you loved me" he says and I sit up quickly and Kylo looks at me. Confused.

"Ben Solo, I know you don't like being called that but I have a reason to. I love you, for you to think that I didn't love you is insane, there is nothing in this whole galaxy that could make me stop loving you, you are the strongest man that I know and I admire you so much for that, it makes me love you even more" I say proudly.

Kylo looks at me and pulls me onto his lap.

I look up at him and watch as tears form in his eyes.

"Don't cry my love, I love you. You know that now"

"I'm so happy that you do, you mean so much to me and I love you so much"

With that I brush my fingers through his hair as I press my lips gently against his. Kylo pulled me tighter against him as he deepened the kiss.

His arms wrap securely around me when I pull away from the kiss, keeping me against his chest.

"How did the meeting go today" I ask

"It went well today, although it mostly consisted of Hux trying to argue with me or order me around" Kylo said annoyance in his voice.

"It's Hux, he's always like that. He's testing you. You've been able to handle him for this long and that's great" I reassure him as I rub his shoulders to calm him.

"Thank you"

"Of course Kylo, you'll have to take me to the next meeting though. So I can give Hux a piece of my mind if he tries anything with you again" I joke and Kylo laughs.

"Yes my Queen" he says playfully and I snuggle into him, wrapping my arms around his waist as we lay down.

Shortly after that I fall asleep laying on Kylo's chest.

He was playing with my hair as he fell asleep.

I apologize for the picture at the top, it makes me sad still. Like it's been a few months since tros has been out and it still hurts. There hasn't been a character that I have missed this much as I miss this man here. Like wtf. I'm sad. Send help. And may the force be with us all as we all still grieve this amazing man. And thank you for reading. It's always greatly appreciated. As always if you'd like to request anything for this lovely man, feel free to do so.

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