Imagine #9 - Its safe with me

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Imagine being the sister of General Hux and having a secret relationship with Kylo.

"What's going on between you two?" my brother Armitage asked.

Yes general Hux is my brother, the man the that despises Kylo Ren. Who was also my boyfriend but I didn't want him to know.

He would lose his mind if he knew I was with Kylo.

Just gotta play it cool, don't seem suspicious. And don't tell him about Kylo.

This should be easy, right?

"Nothing, nothing is going on between Kylo and I. He's my mentor" I say firmly, hoping that it sounded as convincing as I thought it did.

The mentor part wasn't a lie, He was that. He was also training me to use a lightsaber. Which I also had on me as evidence, so he couldn't question that.

I looked up at Armitage who now gave me a look as if he didn't believe a word I just said.

"Are you sure?, if there's anything. You can tell me. I am your brother after all" he reassures me.

"I know that Armitage, but there's nothing going on" I reply back.

"Alright, alright. I'll leave you alone" he adds.

I leave his quarters and head down to Kylo's quarters farther down the hall. I wanted to let Kylo know that my brother was getting suspicious about us.

Once I reach Kylo's quarters, I punch in the code on the keypad and the door slides open.

"Kylo...are you in here?, I have to talk to you about something" I whispered, loud enough for him to hear me in the room.

Waiting for a response I shuffled into the room as the door shut behind me.

"I'll be right out, y/n. I'm in the refresher, I'm just washing up" I hear Kylo's muffled voice from behind the door to the refresher.

I decided to sit on his bed while I waited for him to get out.

I took my lightsaber off of my belt and placed it on the nightstand before settling down comfortably on the bed.

I was getting impatient while waiting and found a pen laying oh his nightstand.

I picked it up and twirled it around between my fingers, then throwing it up in the air once in a while.

It wasn't long till Kylo walked out of the refresher, I had the pen thrown into the air and I looked at Kylo real quick and he wasn't wearing at shirt and I froze in my spot on the bed, distracted by his chest. The pen came down on my head and I let out an 'ow'. Then Kylo's gaze met mine and my face turned red in embarrassment.

"Hello there handsome" I say aloud, Kylo laughs as he goes into his wardrobe for a shirt.

"What did you want to talk about?" Kylo asked as he pulled a black shirt over his head.

"My brother is suspicious about us, he kept asking me questions and wanted to know if there was anything going on between us"

"It's always Hux, he tries to get involved with anything he can, I apologize, but your brother is so irritating"

I laugh at Kylo.

"I know Kylo, but he's my brother and he's just being protective of me. I didn't tell him anything. He's suspicious but I don't think he knows about us" I say sternly, trying to sound convincing but deep down I had a feeling that Armitage already knows and he was asking to see if I would be honest with him or not.

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