Who are you?

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Knock knock knock! Yes, Princeton asked. Can I help you? No I'm Ray ray's sister. Sure. Princeton said. No really I am. The mysterious girl said. Ray ray Princeton called. What u want? Ray ray asked. This girl says she's your sister. Oh hey Ciana Ray ray said. Hey big bro Ciana said. Who is this dipwad. My bro Princeton. YEAH! Whateva ray. So can I come in. She said. Yeh come on ray ray carried her bags. Hi guys, Ciana said blandly. It sure is going to be wonderful living with you guys.  Ciana carried on about her life and how she ended up coming to Los Angeles to live with her brother and the Mindless Behavior crew.

(Ciana's POV)

( Perfect, just perfect. I stay at home all day and mom decides to ship me off to my brother and his boy band. Sure, I'm happy to see him, I haven't seen him for almost 2 years; but really this is how you handle it. Thanks mom, you're the best. I've always wanted to live with 4 boys. Like one wasn't enough. But of course I have my own room. The house is pretty sweet. I mean it's a palace compared to where I'm from. Well, we shall see what the first week is like.)

(Princeton's POV)

(My bro has a hot sister and he didn't even tell me. Wooaah, mamacita you are muy caliente. Hopefully, she'll be my girl. Even though she did call me a dipwad and I think she already hates me for basically teling her to get away from the conjuction house because I didn't believe that she was Ray ray' sister. I mean they do look alike,but come on that had to be a coincidence. Yeah, I am a dipwad.)

Me: So how long are you here?

Ciana: Until it's time for college.(Rolls her eyes)

Ray ray: Well let me show you to your room

Ciana: Okay, lead the way

Princeton: Leggo

Ciana: No offense, well yeah some offense but he wasn't talking to you. Bye!( Walks off)

( Ohh she is hot, mas de que, ella es puro fuego.[ Translation: more than that, she is pure fire.] She will  be mine.)

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