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Standing behind as many of the strong-smelling bouquets I could manage to drag into the walk-in fridge with me before the keeper of sunshine himself walks into the lobby of the flower shop I've been running in this town for nigh on 6 months now I pray to the God and Goddess that the flowers disguise by scent enough to keep him from finding me...

Even through the petals, I can smell him, and my nose is much less suited to the task of sniffing out soulmates and the like... I'm able to watch through the foliage as he carries on a muffled conversation with my assistant and distant nephew, Kore, who at the moment is doing his best not to laugh at my misfortune of being too shy to confront a man he says would cherish me within an inch of my life, even if I myself think I don't deserve it.

When my descendants suggested I move here to chaperon my many-great grand nephew to help him manage things I thought maybe the change of pace would ease some of the memories that have plagued me for so many years... All the while not knowing that upon my first day here I'd be presented with a blond adonis sitting on the patio of the small coffee shop across the street from our, spending a few moments of his morning in the fresh air while he enjoys his breakfast and the morning paper.

I hadn't been able to explain away the way I felt and still feel so irrationally drawn to him, too interested to look away and too intimidated to actually approach him...

Until Kore had run outside with a request for the tall pile of dark leather and sunglasses, sighting him as the local pack's beta, the knowledge had made my mouth go dry while he inquired about when the best time to come and introduce me was.

He had grown up nearby, the coven being relocated by the council due to a skirmish in Salem with another coven that had left me lame and chafed with them until recently when my old body craved the familiar interaction and support that only comes from family. My descendants being the only ones who look at me not with disgust or pity, just admiration knowing the sacrifices I was forced to make for them that cursed me to live on while so many generations of them pass me by...

Only I could be doomed to live so long after the war that the Goddess would see fit to gift a soiled being like myself with a beautiful blond werewolf as a mate.

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