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Pradas Pov
I placed my hand onto the door, sensing the heat araying from Kylo's body. It was prominent his force, but it slowly dwindled away leaving me cold and alone.  My dear friend you grew up
so fast I thought to myself, as I fingertips gently brushed the door. A shiver went up my spine causing me to look down at my feet which still touched the floor with no socks. A breeze entered through the thin medical robe that still clung to my body. I walked to the bathroom near the kitchen, flicking my wrist signaling the light to turn on. My focus turned towards the mirror, and my heart sank. The woman who stood in front of me was a mere stranger, she looked weak. My hair was matted with Itari's soil, while my face's features were disrupted by a cut along my cheek bone. What I needed now was a long bath drawn by my maids. I shifted my body towards the washer, and there wasn't a tub it was foreign contraption. I placed my hand onto the cold metal which caused rain to fall from above. The water hit my head, as I let out a hiss, "damn it that's hot." I slowly undressed from the robe, immersing myself into the cascading waterfall. The droplets kissed my face as they melted down my chin onto the tile floor. My fingers ran through my hair as I undid the braid that Aurphia had done for me. Each strand I released fell onto my back as the water poured. I could feel the steam breathing onto my face, as my body let out sighs from the soreness. The wounds that covered my body stung as the warm water entered into them. I turned the knob ending the waterfall, as I grabbed a towel to cover my body. I made a makeshift knot to keep the towel from slipping, while I grabbed another to ring my hair. My wet feet hit the white marble floor as I made my way to the black armoire. I quickly dressed into a white silk night down accompanied with a sheer robe. I smiled to myself, Kylo must've brought my belongings from my palace. What else did he bring? I dug into the cabinets of the armoire and discovered my hair brush. I brushed my hair releasing it from the tangles that formed as I walked over to my bed face planting onto the pillow. I turned off the lights with the wave of my hand as I tried to find a comfortable place to sleep. Butterflies slowly seeped into my stomach which made me confused. I continued to toss and turn, not able to sleep. Finally my eye lids grew heavy and forced me into a deep sleep.

My head twitched as I felt my body being pushed into a solid form. Whispers emerged from the shadows chanting into the night, speaking tongues that haven't been spoken in ages. A voice boomed through the chants, which sent chills down my spine.

"Pradaline Blanc," a chilling voice whispered from above.

My eyes started to twitch as their voice bounced through the empty walls.

"How powerful you have become," the voice said,
inching closest to my being.

My eyes were tightly closed, as I felt their hot breath trail along my neck. I tried to move my body but I was paralyzed from the neck down.

"Do not be afraid of me child... I am not here to hurt you,"

My breath started to accelerate along with my heart, making my hands form into a fist. My fingers dig deep into my palms, as my breath quivered from their call.

"Rather... I am here to guide you to your purpose," he took a long pause.

The chants continued to increase in volumes, stirring emotions inside me that I had never felt before. I felt scared as my stomach turned, but another part of me felt peace that I belonged.

"Yes, you do," It said as if reading my mind,
"Your ancestors step foot here, with their sacrifice you were brought upon this galaxy,"

I calmed down my breathing, my eyes were still shut tightly. My ancestors? I was a nobody....

"No my child, on the contrary you were made by the most powerful men and women in the universe,"

Suddenly I felt a cold wet grasp from a bonny finger, it touched my forehead lightly as a surge of electricity flowed through it. My head snapped back, as I bit my lip taking in the power that dropped off his finger tips. Images scattered along my head of chaos that fell onto the galaxy. Screams echoed in my head which made my heart full, the screams of the Jedi knights.

"Do not fight it my child, if you do everything I say..
this is the fate that the Jedi Order will have,"

I saw a young woman with brown hair with a BB droid running at the scene. She was accompanied with two men one was a pilot and another a former Storm Trooper. They ran into the burning city shooting at the Troopers that were gunning down innocents. My blood boiled knowing that the Jedi Scum shouldn't be so valiant. They were to succumb to the darkness or else they should be killed.

"Yes, yes let the range inside you consume you. Kill the girl with the BB Unit she is to be exterminated!
She is the one the hope that most he extinguished you are the only one who can stop her,"

I saw the woman once more in her baggy clothes, yet she stopped in her tracks. She turned her head as if she saw my eyes pierce onto her body. Her breath quickened, as her brown orbs met mine. Then she disappeared into the shadows.

"Who are you?!" I yelled out into the chaos, finally having the strength to open my eyes. My body fell free from the shackles that brought me down onto the bed. Embers fell down slowly from the burning buildings that laid in front of me. Far away in the distance I saw a figure immersed in the shadows. The figure continued to walk towards me as boys and pieces of shadows completed his silhouette. I stopped in my tracks, seeing the form transform its shape into a man with a hooded figure. He walked with a small stride, making his way into my view. Till suddenly I recognized him, my heart plummeted to my stomach at lord who stood before me. He let out a cold laugh, that stripped my core. It echoed into the night, as he stopped, slowly pulling off his hood.

"I am all Siths!"

"Darth Sidious," I said taking a step back. My balance was swayed causing me to kneel before him as a gust of wind blew towards me.
The chants that ceased how upraised again, even louder this time.

"The voices that echoed inside your head... the voice that led you to the saber..."

My heart pounded into my ears, as I saw in my peripheral the color of red rays radiating into the darkness. My saber shone brightly through the dark as it floated into the air. It taunted me standing there, wanting me to grasp it into my hands.

"You will become my next creation as Darth Vader..."

I lifted my arm up towards the saber that shone brightly in the air. My palm outreached, I felt the tug of my force summoning the weapon onto my hand.

"You were destined for greatness, once more the Sith will rule the galaxy,"

The saber flew into my hands with great momentum, pushing my body across the floor. I dug my feet onto the ground, shifting my weight to control that power that I had in my hands.

"And you.... shall... bring... the darkness,"

The crystal within the saber erupted into my being, throwing me across the floor.

I awoke with a jolt from my bed trying to catch from the nightmare I had just had. My heart was beating out of my chest, while a cold sweat fell from my forehead. My eyes widened, recollecting of everything that happened. Darth Sidious was dead along with Vader... Right?! I swung my legs over the bed making my bare feet touched the ground. Suddenly a pain started to increase in my right hand, it stung and felt as if it was on fire. I let out a gasp from my mouth as a heavy object laid on my palm. The object flew from my hand rolling off my bed, crashing onto the ground with a clink. My heart suddenly stopped as the cold metal hit my feet. There laid my lightsaber smoke rising from its openings on the floor of my chambers.

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