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Prada's Pov
The hanger slowly lowered onto the sandy dunes of Tatooine. The hood that was placed over my head softly shifted against the humid wind that blew in the blazing sun. I had never stepped foot onto another planet before, this was quite different than my home Itari. My foot stepped on top of the crystallized rocks that crunched beneath me. I overlooked over the city of Anchorhead, I took sight of the small village that stood in view. Phasma cocked her blaster, it pierced my ear with a hum.

"What are your orders?" her robotic voice spoke out,
I looked out into the blazing sun, squinting my eyes slightly.

"Gather the troops and round up the villagers," I said with a smirk, "make sure to tell them The Order has come,"

She nodded, signaling the army of troopers to maintain their positions. They began to file out of the hanger neatly in two lines, flooding into the city made of sand. Phasma and I followed close
behind them, as they made way to the dance of death.

Screams pierced the silence of the Tatooine sky, as soon as I entered the village. The city which was once calm and tranquil now was disturbed with chaos and disaster. I took ahold of the beauty that laid before me, as if time stopped letting me admire the destruction. Troopers with their armor of white,
banging on doors, throwing townspeople on the floor. Their bodies fell onto the hot sand as dead weight as the sound of blasters rung in the air. Nearby buildings were engulfed in flames, illuminating the troopers as they continued to pay respect for their leader. Bodies were dragged onto the hot sand, as the hands of innocents reached up for mercy for freedom. The sound of screams and distress continued to call out into the sky, as I stood still waiting for the opportunity of silence to join.

"Enough," Phasma said loudly, raising her blaster with a strong hand, firing it above me. Within seconds the hopes that were set aflame inside the crowd's hearts, distinguished. A smirk spread across my red lips, as I lifted my head slowly. I scanned the scared faces, their cheeks glowed with dried tears. Troopers continued to push them along in a row, now with silence. I took a deep breath, making my first appearance in their midst. An older man's eyes widened as I came into, I felt fear striking into their hearts.

"Why so quiet?" I said calmly, my features still remained out of sight, the only thing that was visible were my red lips.
I walked down the row, viewing the pain struck eyes of innocents. I saw a woman holding her child closely at hand, biting down on her lip containing her tears.

"Is it because you're hiding something?" I grinned turning my heels in the other direction.

"Rumor says that 0ne of your people is hiding a resistance member here...." I took a deep breath, inhaling the humidity that arose in the sun.

Then I felt it, the light side of the force calling out, yearning for me to discover it's member. That's when I saw her... a young lady dressed in rags, her hair tied tightly in a bun. Within just a gaze of our eyes, I knew she was the one I had been looking for.

The scavenger ...

She felt my presence as well, as her hazel orbs displayed an expression of confusion, but her face showed no sign of fear. I blinked, and the image of the young girl evaporated into thin air. My stomach turned, forcing my hand into a fist.

"She's here..." I whispered, Phasma turned and cocked her head slightly.

"She's here!" I repeated loudly, "The scavenger FIND HER NOW BEFORE SHE ESCAPES!"

Phasma lifted her arm acknowledging my remark, and signaled a group of near by troopers to follow her along the sand.

"For the rest of you," I said shifting my weight towards the left over troops, "capture what you can..."

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