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Kylo's Pov
Prada and I exited the trooper lounge, making our way to her chambers. The entirety of our journey was silent, no feelings of tension or awkwardness. It felt right, it felt like home. I peered over viewing Prada in my peripheral vision. She still had the blanket over her shoulders as she held the ceramic mug tightly in her hands. She looked like a child, innocent to the universe surrounding her. The elevator let out a beep signaling that we arrived on the fifth floor. White pristine floors matching its reflective walls sparkled as if greeting us back from our labor. We proceeded down an archway, finally ending on the corner of the West Wing. There stood a white door embedded seamlessly into the wall. I pushed my helmet under my left arm, waving my open hand hand in front of the door.
"Welcome to your new home, Prada," I said taking a step back as the door rumbled releasing steam from its sides. The door pushed out slightly sliding on top of the wall, allowing us to come in. I poked my head inside, noticing no light shone from the room, I was met with an abyss of darkness. I walked in slowly, my foot touching the floor signaling the fluorescent lights to illuminate overhead. The entire room was the same white that covered the halls. It was sleek, modern and with some accents of black. A bed with silk sheets laid on the corner next to a bay window. Beside it stood a winding staircase that spiraled upwards that led to an open floor with a small study. A kitchen laid to the right of the room with a stove,
a table and a refrigerator.
Prada's eyes narrowed as she entered inside the brightly lit room, shifting her gaze towards the kitchen. She walked over to the table which stood beside the sink, placing her mug on top of the surface. It clinked softly as the ceramic hit the glass.
Her finger tips brushed the table lightly, gracefully landing next to her side.
"Kylo-" she finally spoke in a whisper, "this is very elegant, I did not expect this" she looked towards her feet which were bare. She wiggled her toes onto the cold floor, tightening the blanket around her shoulders.
"Why didn't you?" I asked her, placing my gloves and helmet on the table beside her cup. She laughed, "I - I don't know, I'd figured that I would be held prisoner?" she said jokingly while walking towards the window.
"This is your home now Princess, you are to be an officer of The First Order. You will only stay in the finest quarters on board."
She stopped observing the bright stars that shone in the night, "Thank you" she spoke softly, shifting her body towards me.
"My pleasure, I hope you find everything to your liking. Clothing has been provided for you by The Order," she walked to the black armoire pulling the two doors, exposing the black clothes that hung inside. Long sleeved shirts, pants, and cloaks. She opened a small drawer on the bottom which had leather boots.
"I made sure they all fit you properly, they're just temporary until you have your own uniform."
She nodded closing the wardrobe shut, "Also Prada,"
"Yes?" she turned around looking into my eyes, "I believe this is yours," I grabbed her hand facing her palm upwards, as I grabbed the dagger from my pocket placing it into her open palm. My other hand pushed her fingers tightly to grasp the weapon from its base. Her eyes widened, "You kept it?" she asked with surprise, "I thought I would have lost it-"
"Well next time don't throw it so freely towards someone," her face blushed pink as she freed her hand from my grasp, lifting it into the light making the gems shine.
"I knew this was the last thing your parents left you" I said staring into the rubies that reflected brilliantly in the light.
"I don't understand how though," she said softly, "they were poor... how could they come across something so precious... " her eyebrows furrowed as she thought more about her parents. She blinked stoping the trance as she looked into my eyes "Anyways... thank you Ren" she said with a soft smile,
"My pleasure," I said returning the smile, "Also, if you need anything, press the button near your bed and a droid will come to assist you. I'm a few doors down if you need me," I walked to the kitchen grabbing my gloves and placing them onto my hands. "Get some rest Prada, tomorrow we'll begin training bright and early,"
"Where's the training?"
"Snoke's throne room, since it's your first day here he wants to see me train you himself" I stopped placing my glove onto my hand, looking at Prada
"to see how powerful you really are" I continued to put my glove on, lifting my helmet over my head.
"There is a pad in your study,which is able to give you directions anywhere on the ship" my modified voice spoke out, "but for now get some rest," the mask hissed as it closed shut.

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