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Kylos Pov

I tossed my cloak over my shoulders as I stared into my brown eyes in the reflection of the mirror. Greyish bags laid underneath them, I haven't been able to sleep since I stepped foot on Itari. I usually have regular sleepless nights, but these have taken a toll on me. I grabbed my helmet and placed it on top of my head, it hissed as it enclosed my features for anyone to see.  In the mirror I saw the dark hooded figure, that struck fear into the hearts of those who gazed upon it. I looked powerful, but yet why didn't I feel the power coursing through my veins. I walked over to my night stand, grabbing the silver dagger Prada had thrown at me. In the sun the jewels sparkled, the rubies mimicking the intense flame that fire held. A faint smile covered my face, as I placed it inside the pocket of my hood. I lifted my gloved hand in the direction of my saber, it jolted across the room pressing against my open palm. My gripped tightened onto the base, igniting the weapon as sparks emerged from the crystal that resided inside. 


I finally step foot onto the arena, the sand causing me to sink deeper into the ground with each step I took. My heart started to beat rapidly as butterflies flew in my stomach. I was scared... my thoughts grew louder as I came closer to the two thrones that stood alone in the center of the arena. Would Prada show no mercy? How good were  her combat skills now? The last time I saw her she was about 8... my thoughts lingered in my mind thinking that Snoke knew about this all along, but how could he have manipulated me when I had no thoughts of turning to the dark during the age of 13.

My thoughts were interrupted as I saw Prada enter behind the thrones, beside her was the king's advisor. She sat on her chair, designated for her presence, continuing to talk to the advisor as he whispered inaudibles things in her ear.

Her hazel eyes struck at my heart as she saw my presence. She was simply breathtaking, her hair in a high ponytail as it descended past her shoulders, her frame was petite which still held power. She seemed more confident, the ray from the sun hit her face in a way that made her hazel eyes flash gold. The advisor continued to whisper in her ear, she lifted her hand signaling silence,
"That's fine Alastor, we can continue without him. I doubt he would enjoy seeing me lose against Commander Ren." Alastor let out a slight chuckle as she lifted herself  up from her throne walking towards me. She stood in front of me as I peered down at her, her hand reached out, initiating a pact.

"Show me what you can do Ren", she said grabbing my hand tightly, giving it a firm shake, Put on a show
My eyes widened, You mastered telepathy?
A small smile spread across her porcelain skin, her cheeks glowed a light pink as she winked at me. She let go of my hand pushing her ponytail behind her back,
"I'm ready when you are Al" she said playfully. She seemed unphased that she was going to fight the most terrified man in the galaxy. Her eyes actually held excitement, a hint of hunger since she hasn't fought an opponent that would be a challenge for her. She placed her hand on her hip as she gave me a certain look that made chills go down my spine.

"Are you ready Commander Ren?" Alastor asked

"Yes," I spoke back

"The rules are- only combat, be able to show your abilities without causing harm. Don't beat up the Princess too much we want her alive"

"Unlikely Alastor" she said, Show no mercy to me

"take your places"

Princess I don't want to hurt you

She unbuttoned her cloak throwing it to the side of the arena.

I know you won't I can sense it in you, something is holding you back

"Familiarize yourselves" Alastor spoke.

Why do you have thoughts of care towards me, you just met me yesterday. Be the man the galaxy talks about, the INFAMOUS Kylo Ren, the grandson of Darth Vader

We began circling around each other observing our movements. She was taunting me, and It was working. She wanted me to be defensive of my title, Be careful the way you speak towards me, remember what position I hold

"Go"  Alastor yelled

Remind me Ren of what the Commander of The First Oder can really do

My feet slid on the sand, pushing myself forward in a lunge. As I unhooked my saber from the holster that strapped onto my thigh. My gripped tightened as my saber ignited bursting a red flame. She was useless, how was she supposed to fight me without a weapon. The fiery blade slashed down onto her defenseless body, slicing the air as it shot towards her chest. She bent backwards dodging the blow, as she jumped into a backwards supersalt. My saber dug into the sand,  small beads hit against my mask. Her hands dug into the ground stopping her fall, as I ran towards her swinging the saber towards her direction. She picked herself up and ran,
Running away from a fight?
I said as I swung towards her back. She jumped high into the air, the momentum causing her fall behind me. I swung my saber expecting her to judge the blow yet my blade was disrupted by an equal force of energy. I turned around seeing Prada holding a red double ended lightsaber that let out a loud hum blocking my blow that I just released.
Never Ren, I have you right where I want you

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