Gambit oneshot

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Name: Rachel Rosangela 
Age: 23
Looks: Long red hair that hits her mid-back, violet eyes, pale skin
Crush: Gambit 
Other: Her mutant powers are aerokinesis and, pyrokinesis. Rachel has a temper on her and if it gets out of hand it’ll make her lose control of her powers. Rachel is outspoken, isn’t scared to be honest and is very stubborn. People are scared of her because of all of this so she mainly stays by herself.

Rachel is a mutant that goes to Bayville high school. She is neither an Xman nor an Acolyte. She’s a loner with dangerous powers; she’s also very stubborn and bold. Rachel normally keeps to herself because if her emotions go out of hand she can be very destructive. Lately she has been pursued by a man by the name of Remy Lebeau, who goes by Gambit. He’s a Cajun mutant who uses a bow staff and throws explosives. His boss Magneto wants to make her one of his Acolytes, and is using Remy to possibly persuade her. Rachel decided to give it a shot because she doesn’t like any of the Xmen mutants and she wants to belong somewhere, much like any other teenager. She likes it so far. She also likes a certain Gambit but she’ll never tell him.

The Xmen were begging Rachel to join their team yet again but she kept politely refusing. Rachel had been staying in the Acolyte headquarters as a guest for the time being. A few of the Xmen girls were saying bad things about Gambit and the other Acolytes. Rachel couldn’t deny that they weren’t the best people but she had a sense of belonging here. And for the first time she was sort of making friends. Even though Rachel thinks Gambit is annoying, she’s become close to him. When Rogue approached her and asked if she liked Gambit in school, Rachel replied by her fire powers shorting out and nearly torching Rogue. People were telling Rachel to be careful and to leave the Acolytes and she was sick of it.

Rachel was leaving school like any other day. She saw Gambit waiting on the street corner for her. “Hello chèrie. You want to get some ice-cream before we go back to headquarters?” Gambit asked, unusually cheery. “Sure, but why are you so smiley today?” Rachel asked as they started walking. “I guess I’m just happy chère. That and having a woman on base for the first time is pretty great,” Gambit said, teasing. “Oh okay… HEY!” Rachel exclaimed, attempting to punch Gambit but missing. “I am a man chère,” Gambit said with a laugh. “Cheeky bastard,” Rachel muttered, Gambit heard this and grinned. “I mean I thought we were like friends… but you’re just a womanizer,” Rachel said with a sigh. “We are friends chèrie, but I am a womanizer for sure,” Gambit said then petting Rachel. “You have such soft hair petite,” Gambit said in his charming Gambit way, making Rachel blush slightly.

The moment was interrupted by some snobby cheerleaders approaching Rachel. “Rachel, you’re so pathetic… First you blow up our tables in the quad, now you blew up our lockers?! What is your deal?” the blonde head cheerleader said haughtily. “Maybe if you’d stop bugging me I wouldn’t break your stuff,” Rachel retorted. “We’re gonna report you,” the brunette cheerleader said. “And when they find out you’re bullying me you’ll get in trouble too. So I’d keep your mouth shut,” Rachel exclaimed, her powers starting to flare up. Fire and air currents were kicking up around them. “L-let’s go guys! She’s gonna blow!” the black haired cheerleader said then taking off with the other two cheerleaders. Gambit pulled out his bow staff and pulled Rachel close, he pressed a button on the staff that sprayed a gas. Rachel then got a bit sleepy, but mostly giggly; Gambit caught her in his arms and put his bow staff back away. “That could’ve got messy chèrie, you have to be careful,” Gambit murmured. “They’re gonna die in hell anyway. Hey Remy… can we get chocolate ice-cream? …With sprinkles?” Rachel asked, a bit loopy. “Anything for you petit,” Gambit said with a laugh. “Here I’ll give you a piggyback ride, you’re a bit wobbly,” Gambit said then offering his back, Rachel jumped on and held on as they walked to the ice-cream parlor.

Rachel was no longer loopy and was enjoying her chocolate ice-cream with sprinkles at the parlor with Remy. They were chatting happily and having a good conversation. Rachel was blushing and giggling a lot more than usual, usually she keeps cool. “I might have used a bit too much gas chèrie, you’re just a little too giggly,” Gambit said with a laugh. “It’s always your fault Remy, you know that,” Rachel joked. The moment went from happy to intense when Gambit suddenly touched her cheek with his hand. “You have some ice-cream on your lips chère. Here let me help,” Gambit said then kissing her lips, and lapping up the ice-cream using his tongue. The two parted after a moment, Rachel was blushing profusely and Gambit chuckled. Rachel was about to say something, but then she saw Rogue sitting with some Xmen members on the opposite side of the parlor. “You bastard…” Rachel muttered. “Oh come on chèrie I was just teasing honest,” Gambit said, serious for once. “I know you were, and I don’t like it Remy. I don’t… you always play with my feelings. You only kissed me because Rogue was nearby. I thought maybe I was somewhat special but I guess I was wrong,” Rachel said, her voice quavering. Rachel walked out of the ice-cream parlor in a huff, aimed some fire at a fire hydrant and then sat on the sidewalk sadly.

Her moment of mopey sadness was interrupted by Rogue calling her name. “Hey, I know we aren’t exactly friends. But… Are you okay?” Rogue asked. “Not really but its whatever. I bet you Xmen are thrilled Remy is making me upset. If it’s some ploy to get me to join you I’m not going to fall for it,” Rachel spat. “It’s not a ploy. Look, Remy is nothing but a womanizing smooth talker. I’m not saying you have to stay away from him but just be careful, don’t take what he says too seriously. That’s how I got hurt,” Rogue advised. “So… He isn’t interested in you?” Rachel asked. “No not anymore. Did you listen to what I said?” Rogue stated/ asked. “I’ll be careful, but knowing that helps a little. Thanks Rogue,” Rachel said. “Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Rogue said. “I’m gonna head out. Have a good night,” Rachel said then walking back to the Acolyte headquarters alone.

Rachel was reading a book in her room in her pajamas when there was a knock on her door. “It’s open,” Rachel said with a sigh, closing her book. Gambit was standing in her doorway, and looking directly at her with sincere eyes. Rachel covered herself in her blanket and looked away from Gambit. “Rachel, can we talk?” Gambit asked, sounding not so smooth. “Y-you said my name… I didn’t think you actually knew it,” Rachel said shyly. “Rachel,” Gambit said, calling out to her in a gentle voice. Rachel looked at Gambit, a bit startled at his unusual behavior. “Wh-what did you want to say?” Rachel said softly. Gambit sat next to her on her bed and rubbed her back. “I’m sorry about what I did today at the ice-cream shop. I couldn’t help myself, you looked so cute. It wasn’t to make Rogue jealous though,” Gambit started. “It was for someone else then? Am I just a play thing to you?” Rachel spat. “It wasn’t to make anyone jealous chère. I just wanted to kiss you,” Gambit explained. “B-but why me?” Rachel said, hiding her face in the blanket. Gambit ripped the blanket off her so it was on the floor; he was looking into Rachel’s eyes with such a gentle and sincere look as he took her hand in his. “Because chèrie… I like you,” Gambit confessed.

Rachel couldn’t say a word, but she was really happy. Rachel blushed profusely but smiled. “Rachel,” Gambit said in the way that made her frazzled. “Stop doing that! I like you too, but quit making my heart explode,” Rachel said spastically, Gambit chuckled at this. “You’re just so cute chère, I can’t help myself,” Gambit said smoothly. “Gnaaaaah! My heart is going to beat out of my chest if you don’t stop!” Rachel spazzed but also sort of whined. “I’m just going to kiss you then petite,” Gambit said then leaning in to kiss Rachel ever so slowly and placing his hands on her arms, Rachel couldn’t take it so she just crashed her lips onto Gambit’s. The two of them made out passionately for a while, and then parted, panting slightly. Gambit was hovering over Rachel who was lying down on the bed with a mischievous grin. “You’ll be my girl, right?” Gambit asked, already sure of the answer. “Of course,” Rachel said then pulling Remy on top of her so she could kiss him again, he complied. After that make out session, Remy covered her in her blanket and kissing her on the forehead. “Goodnight petit, pleasant dreams,” Gambit whispered into her ear all sexy like, which made Rachel shiver. “Goodnight Remy,” Rachel said softly. Rachel’s dreams were forever pleasant, because she had Remy by her side, which was all she ever wanted.

THE END!        


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