Wolverine oneshot

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Info: Outgoing personality, but sensitive.
Name: Aurora
Looks: Black hair, tanned skin, petite
Race: Mutant - can see the past and future
Crush: Logan / Wolverine


Aurora was walking around the Xavier Institute when Professor Xavier paged her telepathically. He asked her to come to his office. She walked into the office and saw Charles Xavier and a man she never met before. He was taller than her, buff, wearing lumberjack style clothes, and had a pained look in his eyes. "Professor, who is this man," she asked. "This is Logan, he's a mutant like us. He's going to be staying a while," Charles explained. "Listen here bub," Logan started. "He has a rough past, a lot of which he can't remember. So be kind to him," Charles added. "I'll show him to his room. That empty one on the second floor?" Aurora asked, and Charles nodded in response. "Logan, will you come with me?" Aurora asked Logan, he got up and followed her reluctantly.

"Forgive me, my name's Aurora. I'm a mutant too. I can tell you don't want to be here much but I hope you at least give it a try," Aurora said to Logan as they walked. "I guess I'll give it a try," Logan said with a sigh. "You just might like it here you know," Aurora said. "Never. I don't like much of anything anymore," Logan muttered. "I see you have a past Mr. Logan, so you're a bit reluctant to let people in right?" Aurora asked. "Yeah, what's it to ya bub?" Logan said, a bit cranky. "... I just wanted to understand you is all," Aurora said, her voice trembling slightly. Logan sighed. "I don't really do the friends thing bub, thanks for trying though," Logan said. They arrived at a room on the second floor at the end of the hall. "Well this is your room Logan. Just so you know, I'm around if you need me. Also, if you want to explore your past and try to remember things, let me know. It's kind of my thing," Aurora said then walking away from Logan to go back to her room.

*End of flashback*

Ever since that day, Aurora has been trying to make friends with Logan. There were new mutants at the school and they were improving on controlling their powers. Aurora was teaching them about accepting themselves and other mutants. She was doing well but she couldn't get one nut to crack, and that was Logan. He just won't open up, he's just so stubborn. The professor had a plan to use he and Aurora to see into Logan's past. Aurora just had to get Logan into the professor's office. "COME ON LOGANNNN WE HAVE TO GO SEE THE PROFESSORRRR!" Aurora whined. "Why? Why so sudden?" Logan asked. "He told me to get you, I don't know much about it but he says it's important," Aurora lied. "Fine," Logan said then getting up from his chair and going to the professor's office. Aurora followed him in.

"Glad you decided to come after all Logan," Charles said. "What do you want Chuck?" Logan asked, annoyed. "I know of a way we can recover your memories. Through my telepathy and Aurora's time travel powers, we can all go back into your mind's eye," Charles explained. "... What?!" Logan exclaimed, sounding totally appalled. "It's only to help Logan, to understand," Aurora started, Logan cut her off. "You knew the entire time! You lied to me," Logan exclaimed. Aurora's lip quivered when he raised his voice at her, she hung her head. "I put her up to it Logan, don't be so mean to her," Charles started. "Maybe I don't want to remember!" Logan exclaimed. "If he isn't interested, I'll just go for now," Aurora said, getting up and leaving the office. Aurora was heading to her room when Logan pulled on her arm. "Look uh, I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'd like to explore my past after all so can we go back to Charles's office?" Logan apologized. Aurora smiled slightly and hugged Logan, without meaning to, and walked towards the professor's office. They both went in and began the experimental process.

Charles started to use his telepathy and gave Aurora a signal to join in. She initiated her time travel powers and she grabbed a hold of Logan's hand. She was able to bring Logan into the time warp and connected to Charles's brainwaves. Aurora and Charles were physically in Logan's memories, looking and walking around but they couldn't be talked to or seen. They saw his childhood, when Logan was actually James Howlet and the beginning of his powers. They saw his memories serving in WWI and WWII. They saw Logan working for weapon X and being experimented on. They saw his former love, Silverfox who in the end was killed by Sabretooth and in the end nearly got him killed, and saw when he lost his memories. Then the last part they saw was when Jean was killed and how sad Logan was, because he loved. Charles signaled telepathically he was going to end the connection due to the mental stress he and Logan were under, so Aurora traveled Logan back to the present.

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