Wolverine oneshot #2

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Name: Ellie Rose (her xmen name is voltage)

Looks: 5”1’ pale skin, green eyes, long red pipe curled ha with bangs and pieces that frame her face.

Crush: Logan aka wolverine (They date)

Other: Has electric powers (snapping her fingers can electrocute someone), lost her parents at a young age. She always loved Logan, ever since she laid on eyes on him. They started going out before the professor and Jean died. And since Jean’s death Logan has been having lots of nightmares and treating Ellie less kindly since he still is in love with Jean.

            Ellie was walking around the institute after her morning training session with Logan and Storm. She was looking to spend some time with Logan. She saw Logan in the common room, so she ran up behind him and hugged him from behind. Normally, he would say something remotely happy or spin her around effortlessly and pick her up, kiss her, or something. But ever since Jean’s death he has been this sad man, who hardly gives her the time of day anymore. Logan just said “Oh hey Ellie,” in a monotone voice. Ellie let go and went up to him. “Would you like to get some lunch or something?” Ellie asked. “No, I’d rather not,” Logan said. “Okay, I’ll talk to you later Logan,” Ellie said then kissing Logan’s lips gently, Logan hardly kissed back. Ellie walked away dejectedly.

Later that night, Ellie was sleeping next to Logan soundly, until he started talking and thrashing about in his sleep. Ellie yawned, and tried shaking Logan awake, it wasn’t working. Logan eventually came to it and was breathing heavily. Ellie took one of Logan’s hands in hers and she kissed it, Logan’s claws retracted back into his hand. “It’s okay Logan, it’s just another dream. I’m here,” Ellie said sweetly. “I’m sorry I… This is happening much more frequently, I’m disrupting your sleep,” Logan said sadly. “It’s okay Logan, I love you okay?” Ellie said then kissing his lips; Logan kissed back rough and passionately. The two parted after a moment or so, panting slightly. “Thanks babe,” Logan said with a slight smile. “Do you want me to sleep in my bed tonight?” Ellie asked. “N-no, that’s the opposite of what I want,” Logan said, then pulling her close and snuggling her. “Feel better now?” Ellie asked. “Much better,” Logan replied. “Goodnight Logan,” Ellie said before falling back into a deep slumber.

That next morning, Ellie woke up in Logan’s arms. He was saying “Jean,” and “Don’t do this Jean,” and “I love you Jean,” in his sleep. Ellie frowned at this. She tried to get out of bed but Logan’s grip kept her there, she sighed. She tried calling his name a few times, and shaking him as much as she could, and since neither of those methods works, she just but his nipple. “Owwww!!! The hell Ellie?” Logan exclaimed. “Well you wouldn’t wake up and I wanted to get up,” Ellie said. Normally Logan would laugh, but instead he sighed. “Since you keep having sexy dreams about a dead girl now, sometimes I get edgy,” Ellie muttered, Logan heard her with his sonic hearing. Ellie got up from the bed; Logan stared at her retreating form, not knowing what to say.

Later that morning, Logan was drinking a beer outside, pondering his relationship with Ellie. It was going well until Jean died, his old feelings came back. He doesn’t want to hurt Ellie more than he has, but he’s not sure how to fix it. “She deserves better, I’ve hurt her a lot. I might as well end it, she deserves someone who can make her feel special,” Logan decided with a sigh. Logan went up to Ellie’s room and knocked, she let him in. “I’m sorry how I’ve been acting Ellie. Listen, it might be for the best if we take a break, at least until I am stable again,” Logan said. Ellie’s eyes teared up and she shut the door in his face. “FINE! JUST REMEMBER ONE THING LOGAN, JEAN IS DEAD!” Ellie exclaimed. Logan hung his head and walked away sadly. Ellie sank down to her knees and sobbed.

A week has passed; Logan has been having more nightmares and getting more paranoid. Jean is inviting Logan to join her n the other side and he is starting to want to give in. Ellie has gone back to cutting again. Logan had woken up from one of his dozes “You’re not ready to die, I know it. Go back to her Logan, you’ve mourned enough. You truly love her; you and I were just physically attracted to each other. She genuinely cares, now go, before you lose her,” Jean’s words echoed in his head. “You were guilty because you felt attached to both of us, there’s no need for you to mourn anymore Logan,” Jean said. Logan sighed and ran upstairs to Ellie’s room, he saw she wasn’t in there but her bathroom off to the side had the light on with the door ajar. He could see a blade in her hand going towards her arm, so he ran in there and swiped the blade out of her hand. “What do you think you are doing?!” Logan growled. “Why would you even care? You care more about a dead girl than you ever did me!” Ellie spat. “I know, and I’m sorry. I’ve realized now, after I got my closure, you’re the one I’ve always loved. Sure I was attracted to Jean, but I wanted what I couldn’t have and that’s what drove me to her when she was the phoenix. I love you Ellie, please don’t harm yourself anymore!” Logan pleaded. “… You’re lucky I still really like you,” Ellie said then smiling slightly. Logan embraced her tightly, breathing in her scent and trailing kisses down her neck. “You’re still my girlfriend right?” Logan asked. “Of course you are Logan, and you’re my rugged boyfriend,” Ellie said then kissing Logan’s lips gently. Logan kissed her lips hungrily and full of passion, she returned it; they parted after a while, panting slightly. “I love you Logan,” Ellie said. “Love you too sparky,” Logan said, slightly teasing as usual.


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